Human Species in The Gilded Cities | World Anvil
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Humans are the most populous of Daearen's peoples, and large populations can be found in all five cities. They have a reputation for being adaptable and able to turn their hands to just about anything, from magic to fighting.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The humans native to the Five Cities often consider the culture of their city and "human culture" to be one and the same. Many take great pride in this culture, and attempt to embody it's ideal. They can also be very resistant to the influence of "outside cultures" on their cities, and some claim that any non-humans immigrating to the Cities should be expected to conform.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There is an argument to be made (mostly by those of more marginalized species) that humans enjoy a level of privilege in the Five Cities unobtainable by non-humans. Humans are disproportionately represented among the politicians, nobles, bankers, and law enforcement of the cities, and make up a majority of state recognized Mages. The Mage Councils of all five cities are comprised almost entirely of humans, and a non-human has never risen to the throne of Prince. Many humans are quick to point out that there are no actual laws preventing non-humans from striving for these offices, and this is true. But it does make one wonder...
Genetic Descendants
~ 100 years (can be extended with magic)

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