Zenzah Shrodrger Character in The Glimmersea stories | World Anvil
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Zenzah Shrodrger

Zenzah Shrodrger

Owner of the Shrodrger alchemy lab at the tyrian angora. phpotographic memory, knows the aisenrath explosive recipe. Renames it to Zenzah's blast.   Wants to produce in large quantities the Aisenrath alchemical explosive. Requires facility, materials and manufacturing plant to ensure production. Willing to share profits with the party, but requires a security team.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Was trained at Aisenrath Alchemical. Had a disagreement with their chief Alchemist, a spoilt Aisenrath daughter that preferred to raise prices and buy up competition instead of produce new products.   Opened up her own Alchemy store at the Tyrian Angora, will make most products to order.   Always chasing new recipes and willing to resort to skullduggery in order to get them; especially if it harms Aisenrath.

Personality Characteristics


Angry at what Aisenrath has done to the Alchemical scene in Tyrian Uneth. Expensive glassware, marketing, overpriced products all stifle the creation of new products. All she cared about was the science, now she wants to create a business to challenge them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Has intricate knowledge of Aisenrath procedures.

Cool, calm, clever merchant.

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True neutral

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