
Ethan Krieg, seventeen years old, widely projected to be All State next season playing offensive Tackle for the Collins Titans.   Such was not to be of course, and instead of a future playing football on scholarship down the road in Lexington, Ethan instead finds himself fighting for survival against a nightmarish apocalypse.  He strangely doesn't seem to mind so much.  Almost seems amused by the situation.   It's clear to everyone at the Domus Dei that Dink, as he's known, is about as sharp as a bag of hammers.  He wears a perpetual goofy smile, rarely speaks out except to say something dumb, and largely defers to his cousin Kyle.  The kid is massive.  Underneath the baby fat that he still carries is quite a large mass of muscle.  When directed he lifts heavy loads without a hint of effort.   Most of his time seems to be spent hanging around with his cousin, talking about football or arguing ad naseum about zombie killing.
"Hi.  I'm Dink." - Dink, to almost everyone, perfectly deadpan
Age: 17   Height: 6' 6"   Weight: 230 lbs   O.C.C.'s: Zombie Hunter - Level 4


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