George Martinez

George Alejandro Martinez, born in El Paso, Texas.   The grandson of immigrants, George was raised in South Texas. They spoke Spanish in his home. Hell, in his entire neighborhood. He speaks English just fine, but has always had an accent that leads people to assume he was born in Mexico.   He spent most of his life in Texas, working as a contractor/roofer and raising his three children with his wife. A divorce in his 40's and a new wife sent him off to a new life in Kentucky. Together they have a son. An asthmatic boy who is about to start High School. This has kept George working long past the age he expected to retire, but George is the sort to stoically weather whatever life throws at him. Friends got him a job at a farm in Simpsonville, and he's been working there for about 5 years now, largely running tractors and combines.   This is how he found himself at the Domus Dei when the world came to an end. He doesn't know what's going to happen next, but he knows he's ready to do the work required to keep this place viable.
  And, it cannot be denied, he has done exactly that.  George is a force of nature.  He works from dawn to dusk.  He nearly single handedly built the stables.  He's been transforming the walls into a mannable, defensible structure.  Bree Knighten commonly wishes aloud that she had a dozen more like him.  George has become the heart and soul of the labor force, and there's nary a soul on the property that he hasn't won their respect.
"Full belly, full heart." - George, usually while rubbing his belly.
Age: 63   Height: 5' 8"   Weight: 145 lbs.   OCC's: Survivor: Builder/Contractor - Level 2


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