Kyle Krieg

Compact. Athletic. All the enthusiasm of youth. Kyle seems almost unfazed by the tragedies unfolding around him. Even his own.   He seems quiet by nature, really only coming out of his shell around his cousin Dink. Still, the biggest thing you read off of him is enthusiasm. He genuinely seems to find everything about the Domus Dei to be "pretty damn cool", by his own words.   He spends his first 24 hours on the Ranch just sorta hanging about when otherwise directed, either talking to Dink or quietly asking all of you questions. There's continuing argument between the two boys about which could kill more zombies, as well as a great deal of discussion about how the Ranch owners stack up in the zombie killing department. Occasionally they discuss the football team they were both on at Martha Lane Collins High School.   Since those early days, Kyle has had more than a few opportunities to prove himself in the zombie killing department.  Between the wounds he sustained from the Walking Grave behind the ranch, and his experience battling the 16th Cav mutineers.....his enthusiasm for combat seems to have cooled, and Dink has become the more enthusiastic of the two by far.  Still, you havent seen Kyle shirk a duty.   In fact he's been a central part of your labor force for most projects.  He might occasionally give you a look that is a bit unsettling, but all told he seems to be an asset.
"You can't kill a Zombie Dink, you're the only thing on God's green earth that's slower than they are." -  Kyle, arguing with his cousin on the ride back to the Ranch.
Age: 17   Height: 5' 10"   Weight: 150 lbs   O.C.C.'s: Zombie Hunter - Level 3


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