Brynn Skovia Lyndmire

Brynn Skovia Lyndmire

Born to Skovia Lyndmire and a traveling adventurer in a small farming community led by a coven of witches, Brynn Lyndmire has always been more muscle than brains. Mama Lyndmire and the other matrons of the community long ago realized he'd never make for a decent witch, and he was instead mostly taught the basics of farm life, to provide for his family.   Brynn's siblings, unlike the man himself, share their mother's mystical inclinations, a fact that his brother Skarn often ribbed Brynn over. Brynn took things good-naturedly for a while, until one day his brother pushed a little too far, and found himself the unfortunate home of a newly demonically-empowered Brynn's claws. Skarn survived, but Brynn, now feared and roiling with demonic fury, was forced out of his home.   Brynn took up work as an axe for hire, crushing whatever problem the local podunk town he happened to be in had at the moment, in exchange for food and shelter. A raid on a bandit den earned him the eye of a Pathfinder, who directed him to the Society proper.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brynn's demonic power originates from a ritual performed by his ancestor, Irene Lyndmire, which utilized the heart of the demon Baal. Whatever Irene's original goal was with the ritual went unrealized, and she instead immaculately conceived a tiefling child, Anri Lyndmire, who eventually executed her evil mother and led the family down their current, more benevolent path.   Baal's demonic blood currently runs relatively thin in the Lyndmire bloodline, as the generations have bred out his influence. Brynn and his tiefling sister, Callia, are the only two members of the family to show any of their Abyssal heritage.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Brynn stands 6'6", and is a solid wall of bulging muscle.

Identifying Characteristics

Possesses a number of minor facial scars, constantly wears his hair in a long ponytail.

Physical quirks

Faint blue tiger-stripe markings that decorate his arms, legs, and chest. These glow when he draws upon his rage.

Apparel & Accessories

A massive one-sided bearded axe. The sheer weight of it makes it impossible for all but the strongest men to comfortably wield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brynn was born to Skovia Lyndmire, the strict matriarch of the Lyndmire family and witch of a Coven focused on the worship of Jaidi, wife of Erastil.


Minimal. He knows basic math and can read well enough, but any complicated subjects he knows little about.


Mercenary, then Pathfinder.

6'6" and 300 lbs of raw demonic muscle, fueled by enough food to bankrupt a small noble house.

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Date of Birth
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
222 lbs


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