
Escadar is a city on the Isle of Erran off the north coast of the Isle of Kortos. It houses a city-sized military outpost, acting as one of Absalom's primary bases of naval operations. Beyond its continuing function as a reserve navy for times of siege, the military vessels quartered here operate throughout the Inner Sea and as far south as the Obari Ocean in a constant effort to hamper piracy in the region. Due to its role as a home of sailors and soldiers, the town hosts numerous gambling dens, brothels, drinking holes, fighting rings, and drug houses. These dens of iniquity are freely tolerated as long as they pay heavy taxes to fund additional city services and submit to inspection by any officer at any time.


Escadar's governing body, the Lesser Council (consisting of retired ship captains and young relatives of members of the Absalom Grand Council), has also been known to grant letters of marque to civilian ships committed to fighting piracy in the waters around the Isle of Kortos itself.

Guilds and Factions

Escadar is the only terrestrial city with an embassy of the Low Azlanti, housed in the House of the Cresting Wave, locally known as Wet-House. The gillmen offer information on the sea, meet with officials from the Low Council and Absalom, train the hippocampus trainers who in turn train the Wave Riders, and (it is rumored) travel through an underground river to the ocean. The gillmen are often seen worshiping at the abandoned Azlanti ruins at the town's center, or partaking in Escadar's many warrens of vice.


The city of Escadar was founded five centuries ago by Absalom's government on the site of a harbour near St. Sarnax, an ancient chapter house of the Knights of the Aeon Star, as a shipyard and warehouse to aid Absalom against naval blockades, the town quickly grew as workers and naval officers moved to the Isle of Erran.
Large city


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