
The dwarf settlement of Kraggodan can be found in the southern Mindspin Mountains within the borders of the nation of Nirmathas.


22,565 dwarves; 1,023 humans; 207 halflings; 180 oreads; 25 other


Kraggodan is a monarchy, ruled by a royal family elected by nobles, business owners, and land-owners during an event known as the Ascent. When a noble family calls for an Ascent, the 23 representatives of the noble houses vote whether to accept or reject the Ascent. If a majority approve, an Ascent begins on that date, with the decision occurring 120 days hence. The Ascent Council then meets every week for the duration of the ascent to hear from different viewpoints. Each family vying for the Ascent is only allowed to appear once a month, with the other witnesses being friends, allies, citizens – anyone who can pay the 100g fee to get inside and speak. At the end of the process, the noble families will vote, with the majority becoming the new ruling family. The ruling family will then select a Monarch who in turn will chose a council for himself to delegate tasks and seek guidance on varying subjects.


Kraggodan is one of the famous Sky Citadels, strongholds built at the beginning of the Age of Darkness when the dwarves first emerged on Golarion's surface at the culmination of their Quest for Sky. Because of this, the city still has many entrances to the Darklands. It takes its name from a dwarven leader whose clan surfaced in -4944 AR. This ascent was accelerated by Kraggodan's discovery of the Onyx Key, a xiomorn artifact capable of rapid extradimensional travel. Kraggodan used the artifact to lead his clan to the surface, although he died defending his people from orc hordes. The Sky Citadel named in his honor was completed in -4901 AR. Before its founding, its people allied with Kellid clans against the surfacing orcs. The citadel's dwarves began to experiment with the Onyx Key in hopes of understanding its powerful magic, but instead opened a path to the Vault of the Onyx Citadel, allowing all manner of outsiders to flood through and devastate their population. Wary of a similar tragic mistake, they sealed the artifact in a sacred vault dedicated to their people's history, safely locked away from curious hands. History records few of the settlement's other achievements until the 38th century AR, when its stout warriors took part in the Shining Crusade against the Whispering Tyrant, at a toll of much of its population. After the Rending in 3981 AR, Kraggodan's dwarves formed ties to the fey court of Accressiel in the Fangwood, through its glaistig queen Gendowyn. However, the next century saw the unleashing of the Darkblight in the forest, which toppled Gendowyn and threatened Kraggodan. Its dwarves formed a barrier of stone monoliths in 4088 AR to stop the Darkblight's spread.   Recent history Despite its location within Nirmathas, Kraggodan has remained neutral in that country's war with Molthune until the city uncovered evidence that Molthuni spies had entered the city's vaults. They welcome members of the Pathfinder Society to the city as its third prince, Gorm Greathammer, is also a Pathfinder. However, the hobgoblin warlord Azaersi recently stole the Onyx Key, an event that precipitated the Ironfang Invasion against Molthune. The settlement has been a major trading partner of the Nirmathi mining town of Skelt, but it is not yet clear how the recent opening of Bloodsworn Vale, which has given Skelt a new trade route into Varisia, will affect Kraggodan. It also opened quiet negotiations with the Molthuni city of Korholm, whose military academy hopes to secure dwarven weapons and armor. Kraggodan is just north of the ruined village of Graybanks.
Large city


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