Content warning: Implied child abuse

The Hug Bear

Original notation by Doctor Richard Golde, January 30th 1987.
Revised by Maximilian Golde, head of the Golde Research Foundation, May 15th 2024.
File: A11
Class: Silver
Location: Nile

I've seen many horrifying things since I came here about three months ago. It's nice to know that not everything in this region is out to kill. GRF-A11 is delightfully innocent, and I hope I find many more anomalies like it.   GRF-A011 is an old and worn teddy bear owned by a little girl in Nile. The girl, Kimberly Graham, found this bear while scouring the local garbage dump, which is located a little too close to the town for my liking. In any case, this bear seemingly has the paranormal property of making anyone who hugs it feel warm and loved. These feelings are vague, of course, but I tried it myself when, about a week ago, the little girl came into my office, by herself, to show me her cool bear.  
It felt nice.   Of course, when the girl came in, I was worried. She's 9 years old and it seemed she had come all the way from Nile to Balder by herself because she saw my flyers and she wanted to show me her bear. She arrived at the office with dark spots on her arms I could only assume were bruises.   I convinced myself these bruises were sustained while on the road towards Balder, because I did not wish to entertain other possibilities. Her innocent smile was infectious, so I tried to validate her journey as much as possible.   I took a picture of the bear, performed as many "tests" as I could to show her that her object was something special and hard to understand, I thanked her, told her she could keep it, to make sure it stayed safe and drove her back home.   Come to think of it, that must have been the first time I actually set foot in Nile. The town is small. It has all the basic amenities you'd expect a European village to have. A general store, a church, a bar, ... When I arrived at the little girl's house, I walked her to her door and I got a few weird looks from people around the town.   I ignored them. She hugged me, said goodbye, made me hug the bear again, and went inside by herself. I never saw her parents and I haven't seen or heard from her since.   I hope she's okay. I might go to Nile more often, just to make sure.   [END OF GRF-A11]  
INTERVIEWED: Kimberly Graham, Former Employee of the GRF.
CONCERNING: Her experiences with Richard Golde.
DATE: May 8th 2024
  [K]: So... What do you want from me?   [M]: I... I found your file. I mean, the bear's. I found it in storage but Richard wrote he gave it back to you so I got curious. I never expected I'd actually find you. Most people Richard wrote about are either dead or missing.   [K]: Yeah, that happens a lot in this line of work. I got lucky with my encounter.   [M]: You said you used to work for Richard, why is that?   [K]: Daddy issues, I like older men... Jeez man get that look off of your face, I'm only kidding.   No, Richard was nice to me, and ever since he did those "tests" on my bear, I gained a deep respect for him. I didn't have the best home-situation, didn't really have any friends, so when he showed up more often in Nile to do "research" I just ended up accompanying him around town to look at weird stuff. I think he just showed up to make sure I was doing alright.   The older I got, the more interested I became in the paranormal and well, after eleven years of growing up and not finding any "real passion," I decided to come to him. I wanted to see the world. The real world.   [M]: I can see that, I guess. That's why I'm here as well I suppose.   [K]: Yeah.   [M]: What happened, though, why did you leave?   [K]: Have you read any of the more recent files? I saw the piles of papers coming in here so I'm not sure how much you've found so far.   [M]: When I got here I mostly started looking for earlier files. Actually managed to completely find A01 first, if you can believe that.   [K]: It's a creepy one.   [M]: You read it?   [K]: Oh I read all of them. Up until I quit, of course. So... Your question. You'll probably read about it at some point, but let's just say that I had an encounter a few years back that really shook me. Haven't really been able to sleep since. I don't remember it's designation. Pretty sure it was up in the D or E series.   [M]: There's that many of them?   [K]: Oh there are. You probably haven't realised this yet, so I'll tell you. It's been getting worse. Of course, when Golde first got here, the anomalies were frequent, since none of them had been found yet. I think somewhere in the latter half of the A series is when the frequency of discovered anomalies really started to slow.   But then, from the end of the A series and into the B series, you really see that frequency ramping up again. It's a good thing Golde had employees at that point because I don't think he would have been able to keep up on his own.   [M]: How many more people did Richard have working for him?   [K]: When I left we were with 6 people, Golde included. Me, him, Bram, Edgar, Mary and The Viscount.   [M]: The Viscount?   [K]: Yeah. It think his name was Cornelius or something but he always insisted on being called by his proper title.   [M]: Strange. So, one more thing.   [K]: Go ahead.   [M]: Do you know what happened to Richard?   [K]: Nope. I only learned about his death when you told me. Didn't really keep up with him after I quit.   [M]: Alright then. Say, if you're ever looking for a job-   [K]: No thanks.   [END OF INTERVIEW]
  [M]   I don't entirely know what esle to add to this. I never expected to run into Kimber while doing more research into GRF-A11. She seems nice. Less innocent than described in the original file, which is to be expected from a 46-year-old woman who has encountered horrors both human and paranormal.   Talking to her has made me realise something. I should be looking for some employees to help me run this thing. It would surely make revising these older files easier. I'm not making any profit currently, though. The money Richard left behind should be enough to cover me for a few months at least.   I'll look into that.