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Chapter 12: Brandon - A Wedding Celebration

Chapter 12 Deep Dive

  • 2nd week of September, Brandon joins brothers in upper field to plant crops
  • Lower field Rodrick and his brothers
  • Much showing off into who is better
  • Rick tries to rile them up but Pip then Brandon an then Ed and Thomas start laughing so they lose
  • When done with planting
  • Rodrick goes to Vilberg for mead for Rick's wedding - his guest list is reduced
  • Wedding just small band of Hobsons and Marshams
  • Rodrick leaves Brandon at the forge
  • Week before Rick's wedding all the lads return to farm (Hart & Dec from other farms, Thoimas from brother Christopher, Brandon from Kitters)
  • Scrub the farm down for wedding 
  • Once everything to Rodrick's standard they were all scrubbed down too
  • Rodrick announces has surprise  for them 
  • Pours mead and gives toast to Rick ahead of his wedding tomorrow
  • Despite Rodrick telling village the wedding is a small affair - half the village shows up anyway
  • They bring food and ale
  • Rodrick only accepts it since the people say its for themselves and Rick and Annie
  • Rodrick asks Brother Christpher to bless the food
  • Grandmother Sharrow brought honey & herbed wine
  • Sharrow aunts gave Annie ribbons, flowers, and sewed coin satchlets to her dress
  • Hobson Aunts and uncles brought roasted pig, bottles of mead, two fluffy lambs, and the deed to half an acre of the neighboring farm
  • Master kitter brought candelabra he had forged with Brandon’s help
  • Marshams brought music, more drinks, more food, and deed to a second half an acre
  • All the guests cheered despite Rick and Annie not saying their vows yet
  • Rick and Annie are drunk when they finally say their vows
  • Hart and Dec sing and even get Grandmother Sharrow to sing 
  • Rodrick danced with Annie and Widow Mulvey
  • Dec and Pip dance with girls and kiss them
  • Brandon steals several bottles of mead for himself, Thomas, Ed, Dunstan, and Mary
  • Hart does duet with Aleyth Glissher
  • Annie hands Aleyth her bouquet
  • Sharrows and Hobsons stay to help clean
  • Grandmother Sharrow offers to take younger sons but Rodrick tells them they prepared the croft ahead of time
  • Annie enters her new home quite pleased 
  • She thanks her new brothers and agrees to a final drink with Rodrick and Rick
  • Everyone else goes to bed
  • Brandon wakes up because he has to pee
  • Rodrick is still awake, in his chair, smoking a pipe
  • Brandon returns from the privy and see father has been crying
  • Rodrick thinks of his own wedding and when Rick was born and how Margery would have wanted to be there
  • Rodrick says he feels like all the time and no time has passed - Brandon might understand when its his own wedding
  • Brandon doesn't think him marrying would be likely since last son
  • He doesn't like to think of time when he wouldn't live on the farm
  • Brandon thinks of his life in 8-10 years time
  • Will he still be with the Kitters? He likes Dunstan but the forge and marrying a Kitter girl would not make him happy
  • He could go out to other farms like his uncles and Dec and Hart have and save up for his own farm
  • He images his own farm years from now with Mary cooking dinner
Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Rick
  • Hart
  • Dec
  • Pip
  • Thomas
  • Ed
  • Rodrick
  • Hobson uncles
  • Grandmother Sharrow
  • half the village - implied
  • Annie Marsham - Hobson
  • Brother Christopher
  • Sharrow Aunts
  • Hobson aunts
  • Master Kitter & family
  • Dunstan Kitter
  • Annie's parents
  • Annie's siblings
  • Marsham family
  • Widow Mulvey
  • Girls Dec and Pip danced with
  • Mary Sharrow & her fanily
  • Aleyth Glissher
  • Glissher family
  • Margery - mentioned
  • Lyches - mentioned
  • Far Pebble Farm Upper field & lower field
  • Vilberg - mentioned
  • Kitter forge
  • Far Pebble croft - kitchen
  • Grandmother Sharrow's home - mentioned
  • Grandmother Sharrow's hamlet - mentioned
  • Far Pebble land
  • Far Pebble croft - boys bedroom

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 11
  • # of Words: 2,204
  • Reading Level: 5
  • Time Frame: 9/12/1510 - 10/15/1510

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