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Chapter 14: Rosalind - A New Heir

Chapter 14 Deep Dive

  • Rosalind watches her bows and arrows burn
  • Roland tells her she can no longer: ride horses, study math or science, and never again pick up a bow and arrow
  • Only her bow and quiver from her 9th birthday were spared
  • After that afternoon, Rosalind avoided her father - hiding in every nook or room
  • She startles Lord Forthwind one morning when she burts out from behind a tapestry and he drops a bundle of scrolls
  • Rosalind stops to help him catch the bundles
  • She grabbed a really old one and since Forthwind's back is turned she pulls at the thread keeping ot closed 
  • Forthwind yanks it away, thanks her, and then goes to her fathers rooms
  • Rosalind finds it curious that she isn't allowed to see the scroll
  • All she was an ornate scroll with a crest of two bears fighting, painted delicately in gold, green, and blue
  • Its not a crest she knows, Rosalind wishes Isamine was here
  • Rosalind continues down the hall as far from her father as she can
  • Rosalind wanders the castle late at night
  • She goes to the library 
  • Rosalind doesn't know what book to pick
  • A book with green cover and gold letters catches her eye
  • She hears a noise behind her and is startled
  • Nearly a month has passed since her bows were burned and she sees her father
  • He sees the book she dropped and closes the book he was reading
  • Rosalind is mad she didn't notice him in the room before, but by the look on his face shes sure he hadn't expected her to enter the room either
  • Roland asks for the book
  • It was one of Isamine's favorites, the standards of old houses
  • Roland asks Rosalind to take care of it for when Isamine returns
  • Rosalind asks if Isamine will return
  • Roland says yes, he hopes they all will
  • Rosalind looks into her father's face as she gets the book
  • She notices his injuries are healing but the one he got in battle is sharper
  • Roland traces the scar but he can't remember the battle
  • Roland talks about the Dorian soldier that struck him, and he wasn't much older than he was
  • Roland swayed and Rosalind refuses to help as he falls into his seat
  • Roland says he was afraid in the war and not much older than Isamine, mathild, or her
  • But he knew if he died there that Ludo would cease to exist, it was his job to defend Ludo
  • Roland says he couldn't die just then and says Rosalind may not understand what he means
  • Rosalind tries to keep a stoney face
  • Roland says she will understand one day what it means to fight for Ludo
  • Roland says he thinks he misses his daughters but does not know
  • Rosalind feels as if hes looking through her
  • They stare at each other for a long time
  • Roland's face grows soft & Rosalind calls to him, asking if its her father
  • Roland's face darkens and he scolds her and sends her out of the room with a promise to punish her in the morning 
  • Rosalind runs out of the room with a humph
  • Rosalind squirms in the heat & Elspeth scold her
  • The weather was cool before now today, very hot
  • Rosalind glances at Mathild and sees she's flushed and messy and Rosalind realizes she doesn't look much better
  • For days the castle has buzzed
  • and now Roland assembled the court on the morning of the 10th
  • Everyone wonders what it could be since it had been weeks since any new visitors or anything exciting happened
  • Rosalind doesn't care, engrossed in her own mystery, what was Forthwind up to, what was that crest
  • Rosalind has been following Forthwind everywhere in case he drops anything else
  • The court is all hot as well and many women are fanning themself
  • Rosalind shoots her mother a look, since she refused to let them fan themselves
  • The trumpets herald the kings arrival
  • Rosalind squirms again in the heat
  • Roland steps outside and the court cheers
  • Rosalind hopes his announcement will be quick
  • Rosalind looks to her mom, and sees her face is set, she realizes that her mom will protect her and Mathild
  • Roland quiets down the court
  • Roland announces he is without a son, he yalks about Ahmenebar, and the golden apple, 
  • Rosalind realizes the scroll must have been about the apple
  • Roland says he thinks there is a single golden apple left & the one who brings it will be his heir
  • Rosalind is confused, she is the heir
  • Rosalind tries to ask her mom but Elspeth shakes her head
  • Rosalind realizes Roland said not he or she but the one
  • She realizes anyone can go for the apple & she is no longer the heir nor the future queen
  • Her purpose is snuffed out
  • Then she faints
Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Rosalind
  • Roland
  • Elspeth
  • Mathild
  • Lord Forthwind
  • Court
  • Servants
  • Commoners
  • Soldiers
  • Heralds
  • Royal Scribe
  • Lords
  • Ladies
  • Stewards - Implied
  • Rosalind's bows & arrows
  • The aged scroll & Ahmenebar's ornate crest
  • The book on Standards
  • The Dorian soldier Roland fought
  • Isamine - mentioned
  • Rosalind's sisters - Implied
  • Ahmenebar - mentioned
  • The new heir - mentioned
  • Roland's room
  • Roland's personal library - mentioned
  • Castle hallways & tapestry
  • Library
  • Castle steps/front/courtyard

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 10
  • # of Words: 2,179
  • Reading Level: 4
  • Time Frame: 8/1/1510 - 9/5/1510

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