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Chapter 16: Brandon - Bother The Weather!

Chapter 16 Deep Dive

  • Brandon travels from the Kitter forge to Far Pebble Farm with Rodrick and Helena
  • Its pouring rain
  • Rodrick welcomes Helena, she will stay in the room with Annie
  • Rodrick, Rick, Hart, Dec, and Pip head to mill
  • Helena is upset she didn't see enough of the young men
  • Brandon and Ed look at each other and start to laugh
  • Helena does help at the farm: she darns Thomas' clothes, all the socks, warmed supper, and then joined Brandon, Ed, and Annie in the field
  • Annie and Helena fall in love with 2 lambs and let them into the cottage to keep them safe from the rain and cold
  • Brandon and Ed disagree
  • The girls redeem themselves with food
  • Outside was cold and wet, but inside their bellies were full and they sang songs
  • Brandon climbs into bed with Ed, they find the bed empty without their brothers
  • Ed stretches out then cuddles into Brandon bc of the cold
  • A wet and slippery morning as the boys tend the sheep and farm
  • Ed complains about the weather
  • Brandon looks into the woods & the trials the Hobsons have made
  • Brandon mentions what Mistress Goode said about lyches and a curse on them and the Hobsons are mean
  • Ed says there are no lyches and why would they place a curse on them and no someone more interesting
  • Ed asks since when does Brandon listen to her, shes a miserable lady since Uncle Allan left her
  • Brandon agrees, but is not so sure
  • After morning work, Brandon & Ed head back to croft
  • The girls made a delicious soup from leftovers
  • The boys are very grateful
  • later in afternoon, the 4 went to fields
  • The girls are upset they boys wont let them leave the lambs in the croft
  • Annie named the lambs Theo and Leo
  • The girls promise to clean any mess the lambs have made
  • After battling the weather, boys are too tired to argue with the girls
  • The next afternoon their Hobson aunt, Jane Norris comes to the home to find food on the table and the croft very, vrey clean
  • She asks the boys what they had done to warrant it being to clean
  • Ed says nothing, Annie and Helena keep a clean house
  • Brandon says they don't allow muddy boots
  • Aunt Jane doesn't believe them
  • Annie changes the subject to the wall
  • Aunt Jane says the wall was going to fall over and then men are working in shifts
  • The men will remain an extra night to work on the wall
  • Helena asks if the old wall around the mill
  • Aunt Jane corrects her and says that wall was fixed, now working on north wall that master Builder is worried will break the mill
  • Aunt Jane says Rodrick volunteers the men to fix it
  • She recommends that Annie and Helena have strong broth, boiled cabbage, and meat for them when they arrive tomorrow
  • Aunt Jane now says for them to tell her how they've been spending their days because not even her mother could keep the croft so clean
  • The 4 blush
  • Annie & Helena prepare a filling meal
  • Rodrick thanked the girls by kissing the palms of their hands
  • Rick and Hart get herbed ale
  • Pip and Dec help fill the trenchers with food
  • Rick tells the story of fixing the wall while Pip acts out the misery
  • Everyone laughs
  • Pip and Helena share a look
  • Next morning, Rick drives Brandon & Helena to town and Helena laments that the Hobsons are poor but so handsome
  • Rick glances at Brandon who bites his cheek to keep from laughing
  • Helena says she'd consider marrying Thomas, though he is a year younger than her
  • She asks if Pip has thought of marriage yet
  • Rick says not that he knows of, since Pip is still quite young
  • Helena asks about Dec
  • Rick says he doesn't know
  • Helena adds that Ed has lovely blue eyes
  • Rick looks to Brandon again and Brandon bites down harder to spare her feelings
  • Brandon wakes with a start, not sure what woke him
  • Dunstan is fast asleep and the room is still dark
  • Brandon spots Mistress Kitter standing the kitchen
  • She starles and asks him why he is up
  • Brandon says he heard a noise
  • She tries to send him back to bed
  • The front door closes and Kitter jumps at the sight of his wife and Brandon in the dark
  • Brandon repeats that he heard a noise
  • Mistress Kitter lies and says she wanted to make sure that Brandon wasn't sick
  • Brandon doesn't dare disagree
  • Kitter asks that Honora pour them drinks
  • She goes to send Brandon to bed but Kitter lets him stay
  • Kitter lights candles and then sat in his usual place and waited for the Mistress Kitter to join them
  • Brandon sipped the warm milk and honey she gave him
  • Kitter says the south wall at the mill fell and it will break and over flow
  • Brandon is upset since his father and brothers worked on the mill
  • Kitter tells Brandon he promised Master Builder to go in the morning to asses the damage and wants Brandon to work with Dunstan while he's gone
  • Brandon says he will and Kityer sends him to bed when he finishes his drink 
  • Brandon helps Dunstan unstick his chair to get closer to the forge
  • Dunstan calls him over to watch him make a lock and key
  • Dunstan explains everything as he makes it he only stops when Kitter returns and calls them
  • Brandon asks if hes done something wrong
  • Kitter repeats himself that they need to go inside
  • Dunstan shrugs and Brandon make sure the forge is safe to leave unattended
  • Kitter orders them all to sit down
  • Kitter saw Aunt Jane om the lane as she went to fetch her husband at the mill
  • When the mill broke it sent a flood of water and debris into the farms
  • All of the mess settled in Far Pebble Farm, but everyone is fine but there is a mess and the sheep are dead
  • Kitter will take Brandon home since his father will need him more
  • Brandon is shocked
  • Kitter tells him to get his things, he has to take him home
Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Rick
  • Helena
  • Rodrick
  • Annie
  • Hart
  • Dec
  • Pip
  • Ed
  • Aunt Jane Hobson - Norris
  • Dunstan
  • Mistress Kitter
  • Master Kitter
  • Thomas - mentioned
  • Theo - lamb
  • Leo - lamb
  • Lyches
  • Mistress Goode - mentioned
  • Uncle Allan - mentioned
  • Master Builder - mentioned
  • Owner of the Mill - implied
  • Grandmother Hobson - mentioned
  • Master Norris - implied
  • Master Cross - mentioned
  • Master Einar - mentioned
  • Old Master Greymoor - mentioned
  • Mistress Kitter - implied
  • The Mayor - mentioned
  • The road to Far Pebble Farm
  • Far Pebble croft
  • Far Pebble fields
  • Brandon & Ed's room
  • Shadow Woodlands
  • Brandon & Dunstan's room
  • Kitter hallway
  • Kitter kitchen
  • Kitter forge

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 13
  • # of Words: 2,468
  • Reading Level: 4
  • Time Frame: 11/19/1510 - 11/25/1510

Mood Boards



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