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Chapter 17: Rosalind - The Great King Ahmenebar

Chapter 17 Deep Dive

  • Rosalind thinks theres no one in Ludo or the world who doesn't know of King Ahmenebar
  • In the Shadow Woodlands of the north, Ahmenebar was a peasant who found the first ever golden apple in a bramble of thorns
  • It was no bigger than his palm
  • The magic turned Ahmenebar into a giant that united the ancient clans and tribes to fight off the old kings
  • He united Ludo
  • Rosalind looks up at the painting of her great, great, ?, grandfather
  • She feels a tingle in her scalp - if he can find the apple, so can she
  • Rosalind starts w/ what she knows
  • The Shadow Woodlands is a real place (but it gives her the willlies no man ever comes back alive & it is filled with wicked creatures)
  • Rosalind will need her bow
  • King Ahmenebar was a real person
  • Many books written about him
  • He lived in the north and found the apple while searching for food
  • Others followed him and found other apples
  • So the place must be written a book
  • Rosalind will need books
  • Only place she could find her bow and books - Roland's library
  • Mistress Lander has fresh baked bread cooling and Rosalind's mouth waters
  • She brushes a fresh coat of butter on it & now it is ready
  • Rosalind places the bread on a tray with a jar of honey, and carafe of wine
  • Mistress Lander offers her help but Rosalind declines it
  • Mistress Lander says ok and says she will see her later for something or other
  • Rosalind says no since she has a lot of embroidery to do
  • Mistress Lander is shocked
  • The library is empty as Rosalind knew it would be
  • Roland called for a meeting of his advisors
  • If anyone came into the library, Rosalind could lie and say she brought her father a snack
  • Rosalind looks for the oldests books she can find since Ahmenebar lived over a 1,000 years ago
  • So any book that mentions him directly would have to be equally as old
  • Luckily, she remembers Ahmenebar lived to be about 700 years old so she doesn't need ancient books
  • She pulls a book with a cracked brown, leather spine with faded golden lettering - The Poetry of the World Volume 3 as Copied By Helge of Dorholm 1132
  • Rosalind puts the book back
  • She pulls a book with a blue cloth spine - The Lettres of Sir Festus Reidun D’Arr-Whitter
  • Rosalind puts the book back
  • She pulls a fat book that creased and crumbled when she opened it
  • She pulls a short, thin book no longer than her hand
  • She pulls a book with a pale green colored fabric that had a flower pressed in the center of it
  • She pulls a black leather book with writing in a language she did not know
  • She placed her fingers on the spine of a yellow book with the word “Memories of Mme Albon”
  • Someone/Something calls her name
  • Rosalind drops the book but no one is there
  • Goosebumps crawl up and down her body
  • She reaches for the book and bright colored ribbon sticking out of plain, thick book catches her eye
  • The book doesn't dislodge then she tugs at it and dislodges onto her lap
  • The pages and ink are old
  • She skims through the book and catches words like: tribe, Othscad, stag, Arvendon, Ahmenebar
  • Rosalind takes the book out with her father's tray of bread
  • Rosalind collapses in her bed with bread and book
  • She flips through the book
  • She wishes Mathild could help her
  • She realizes that she can't trust anyone with her plan
  • She flips to the front of the book and begins to read
  Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Rosalind
  • King Ahmenebar - implied
  • Mistress Lander
  • King Roland - mentioned
  • Abigale - mentioned
  • Advisors - implied
  • Mathild - implied
  • Apple Magic
  • Victims of The Shadow Woodlands - implied
  • Other Owners of Apples - implied
  • Past Biographers - implied
  • Helge of Dorholm, poet
  • Sir Festus Reidun D’Arr-Whitter
  • Mme Albon
  • Servants - impled
  • Court - implied
  • The Book - Meditation on the First Peoples of Ludo
  • Stonehill Castle
  • Mistress Lander's kitchen
  • Castle courtyard
  • Roland's Library
  • Castle Hallways
  • Rosalind's room

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 6
  • # of Words: 1,288
  • Reading Level: 5
  • Time Frame: 9/6/1510 - 9/7/1510

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