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Chapter 19: Brandon - Sheep

Chapter 19 Deep Dive

  • Brandon and Master Kitter can see the smoke rising from Far Pebble Farm
  • Brandon can see his Hobson and Sharrow uncles lining up dozens of sheep
  • Brandon can see the aunts sheering, cutting, butchering
  • Kitter thinks they are trying to salvage what they can
  • Brandon can see his brothers up to their hips in muddy water
  • A dozen or so sheep are floating in the water here and there
  • Annie and Grandmother Sharrow are only just visible in the croft
  • They are cleaning
  • Kitter stops the cart and they climb down into the water
  • The water comes up to Brandon's thighs
  • Brandon is shocked
  • Rodrick asks Kitter why he's brought Brandon
  • Rodrick says this is no place for a child
  • Kitter argues this is Brandon's place - by his family
  • Kitter and Rodrick argue until Kitter asks to sprak man to man
  • Rodrick sends Brandon to work with Pip, Ed, and their Uncle Gil
  • Brandon feels his feet grow numb as he walks toward them
  • Pip greats Brandon & helps him in the cart
  • Brandon sees the amount of debris in the cart and around him
  • It smells earthy
  • Ed is clearly disgusted by the squishy mounds
  • When they are done, Pip tells Brandon to guide the donkey & cart down to Gil
  • Brandon guides the donkey but she stops
  • Pip says there could be something hidden in the water
  • Pip pokes the water with a stick
  • Brandon comforts the donkey
  • A gurle and a ewe and lamb move upwards after three pokes from Pip
  • Ed heaves and Brandon looks away
  • Gil joins them to put the Ewe and lamb in the back of the cart
  • Gil tells Brandon where everything goes
  • Rocks behind him
  • Vegetation against the wall
  • Debris to the left
  • Brandon understands and goes to the back of the cart
  • Pip and Gil move the ewe and Brandon recognizes Ewegenia
  • Pip falls and both Pip and Ewegenia fall into the water
  • Gil helps Pip up and Brandon is shocked to see he is crying
  • Brandon looks away as Gil holds Pip tightly
  • Brandon goes back to the cart and pulls the lamb out
  • He promises the lamb he won't drop it
  • Rodrick and Kitter's voices travel across the field
  • They are still arguing
  • Ed calls Brandon to help him
  • Ed tells him Annie kept two of the lambs - so not all is lost
  • Brandon thinks pretty much all is lost
  • Rodrick calls Brandon over and tells him to thank Kitter for bringing him
  • Kitter tells Brandon to send for help with his uncle Jack and Kitter will get half the town over
  • Kitter will go now to fetch Thomas
  • Kitter tells Brandon to work hard
  • Kitter tells Brandon there is always a place in his home for him
  • Brandon thanks Kitter
  • Kitter says goodbye
    Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Alric Kitter
  • Annie
  • Grandmother Sharrow
  • Rick - mentioned
  • Hart - implied
  • Dec - implied
  • Pip
  • Thomas - mentioned
  • Ed
  • Rodrick
  • Uncle Gil Sharrow
  • Uncle Jack ?
  • Mistress Kitter - mentioned
  • Hobson Uncles
  • Sharrow Uncles
  • Hobson Aunts
  • Sharrow Aunts
  • Sheep
  • Lambs
  • Ewegenia
  • Brandon's Lamb
  • Annie's lambs
  • The road to Far Pebble Farm
  • Far Pebble Farm

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 8
  • # of Words: 1,541
  • Reading Level: 4
  • Time Frame: 11/25/1510

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