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Chapter 20: Brandon - Sheep 2

Chapter 20 Deep Dive

  • Master Kitter drops off Thomas 3 days later
  • Thomas joins Ed and Brandon rebuilding the wall
  • Thomas is in shock over the loss
  • Thomas asks what they will do
  • Ed says Rodrick hasn't mentioned it yet
  • Thomas stresses how important food is
  • Ed says Rodrick will get them food
  • Thomas & Ed bicker until Brandon tells them they are acting like Hart and Rick
  • Thomas & Ed call a truce
  • Brandon realizes that Kitter was right and being with him has left him strong
  • Thomas comes up with an idea to add to the wall and grow it
  • Ed suggests they get rocks from the Shadow Woodlands
  • They finish drinking all of the water and Ed goes to get more
  • Thomas tells Brandon that they both have had 2x or 3x more food in the last few months than Ed had
  • Thomas talks about all the food he has eaten
  • Brandon shares what he has eaten
  • Thomas suggested they put in more work
  • Brandon agrees
  • Brandon notices how tall thomas is now, almost as tall as Dec and taller than Pip
  • Dinner is almost normal with Thomas home
  • Brandon still feels exhausted morning after morning
  • Hobson uncles refuse to leave the farm until in better shape
  • Everyone leaves a little over a week later except for Grandmother Sharrow
  • She says she'll stay in Margery's name
  • When they are done eating Rodrick tells them theres nothing left
  • Hobson uncles offered money for half the land but Rick refuses
  • Rodrick tells them he and margery set aside money for their weddings & inherintance but now he'll have to dip into the savings
  • They won't get anything
  • Hart interupts Rodrick saying he wants to get married to Aleyth Glissher
  • Rodrick stares at Hart and Brandon realizes something has passed between them but doesn't know what
  • Rodrick calls Hart a stupid boy
  • Rick tries to get everyone out of the house
  • Hart tries to explain that he loves Aleyth
  • In the hubub Thomas says they can have his share
  • Brother Christopher said the abbey would pay for his schooling and to join the church
  • Once he's done with school in the south he will join the church and can not marry so he won't need the money
  • Thomas stands up and goes to their room
  • Hart goes outside and Rick follows him
  • Ed follows Thomas
  • Pip and Dec talk amongst themselves
  • Rodrick sits in his chair
  • Brandon asks if Thomas' share is a lot of money
  • Rodrick says no
  Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Thomas
  • Ed
  • Rodrick
  • Rick
  • Hart
  • Grandmother Sharrow
  • Pip
  • Dec
  • Annie
  • Hobson Uncles
  • Margery - mentioned
  • Uncle Thomas Hobson - mentioned
  • Aleyth Glissher - mentioned
  • Brother Christopher - mentioned
  • Alric Kitter - implied
  • Annie's lambs
  • Old Hobson Uncles - mentioned
  • Brother Christopher's clients - mentioned
  • Abbey Brothers - implied
  • Cloister Sisters - impled
  • The poor seeking alms - mentioned
  • Travelers - mentioned 
  • Mistress Kitter - mentioned
  • Far Pebble Farm
  • Fields
  • Wall
  • Croft

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 11
  • # of Words: 2,114
  • Reading Level: 3
  • Time Frame: 11/28/1510 - 12/15/1510

Mood Boards



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