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Chapter 22: Brandon - A Calling

Chapter 20 Deep Dive

  • Brandon and Ed are hungry
  • They laugh and then Ed winces
  • Thomas' share of the money bought them one goat, several chickens, and seeds for the spring crop
  • They sold several pounds of mutton and stored the rest
  • Grandmother Sharrow returns weekly in pies and stews
  • The stored winter food several pounds destroyed and several more grew mold
  • Rodrick heavily rations the rest
  • Brandon and Ed check the traps Hart and Dec set up the night before
  • Brandon makes updates that Master Kitter taught him
  • He teaches Ed
  • They walk out of the woods
  • Ed's stomach grumbles 
  • He begins to eat dirt and Brandon stops him
  • Brandon wipes him clean
  • Brandon hands Ed one of his strips of mutton and chews onto a piece
  • Brandon chews slowly while Ed gobbles down his piece
  • Brandon holds out another piece to Ed and drinks water instead
  • In the distance Brandon can see Rick and Pip tilling the earth
  • Brandon takes pity on Ed and wonders how long they will be miserable
  • He thinks of the women in Pirin and King Ahmenebar
  • He remembers them clearly as if he can hear them
  • Brandon realizes he can hear them and is startled
  • He stares into the woods
  • Ed asks whats wrong
  • Brandon doesn't tell Ed what he heard
  • Brandon looks back down the field he sees Rick is looking at them
  • Hart yells at them to get back to work
  • Rick defends them
  • Brandon eats the remaining bit of mutton
  • He looks again at the woods
  • Ed's stomach growls loudly and Brandon and Ed start to laugh
  • Brandon is taken by surprise and grabbed by Hart
  • Rick pushes Hart
  • Brandon falls into the mud
  • Rick asks what Hart is doing
  • Hart says Rick is always defending them
  • Rick reminds Hart that they're little and he should get back to work since he wasted enough time
  • Rick and Hart begin to fight
  • Ed begs them to stop 
  • Rick says they're all in the same mess
  • Hart says they were having fun
  • Rick says it beats Hart whining 
  • Rick and Hart figt again
  • Dec joins the by jumpng on Rick and knocking Ed to the ground
  • Pip jumps on Dec's back and pulls his hair 
  • Hart grabs pick around the chest and pulls him back causing Dec to howl louder
  • Thomas runs in and slips, taking down Hart with him
  • Brandon tries to help Thomas stand and gets hit twice by Dec and once dizzingly by Hart
  • Rick yells at Hart for hitting Brandon too hard
  • Rick tries to punch Hart and slips landing on Hart and Thomas
  • Thomas cries out in pain and clutches his knee
  • Everyone except Thomas received a black eye, fat lip, and several brusises 
  • The fight ends when Ed, and a bloody nose, returns with their Dad
  • Rodrick throws a mud pat into Rick and Harts faces
  • Rodrck is pissed
  • He tells Annie they will clean their own clothes
  • It was dark when they finished cleaning
  • Annie served in silence 
  • They ate in silence
  • Thomas is tending to his knee
  • Brandon still feels very hungry after eating the mutton and cabbage soup
  • Dec begins to cry at the table
  • Rick pulls him close and hugs him
  • Rodrick leaves the room
  • Brandon feels like he can't look at anyone and all thoughts of food leave his find
  Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Ed
  • Thomas
  • Hart
  • Dec
  • Rick
  • Pip
  • Roderick 
  • Annie
  • Grandmother Sharrow - implied
  • Master Kitter - implied
  • Pirin Theater Troupe - implied
  • King Ahmeneber - implied
  • Apple Magic
  • Far Pebble Farm
  • The Shadow Woodlands
  • The fields
  • The croft

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 8
  • # of Words: 1, 467
  • Reading Level: 5
  • Time Frame: 1/6/1511

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