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Chapter 26: Brandon - A Ring of Gold

Chapter 26 Deep Dive

  • Brother Christopher inspects Brandon's ring
  • Thomas can't decipher the animal on the intricate ring either: dragon, bear, swan, 
  • Christopher thinks it may be a horse and Roland's crest
  • He asks Brandon if he's sure he wants to part with it
  • Brandon looks to Thomas, he is sure
  • Brother Christopher says he's has to offer the ring to Lord Blackburn first, but he thinks Sir Hrald of County Woodcliffe will be the best person to buy it
  • Christopher and Harald were young men at Northwhich Abbey together
  • Christopher says he won't accept a cirro less than what its worth
  • Christopher says hes on a strict diet due to his back and leg pain during the cold months
  • He places Brandon's ring in his robes for safe keeping
  • He asks Brandon to reconsider selling the ring
  • Brandon says food is more important than a ring
  • Brother Christopher says the ring is a unique gift and money can easily be made
  • Brandon asks why can Thomas give away his share and he can't
  • Christopher says the ring's crest can be misused so Brandon asks if Kitter can melt it down
  • Christopher says that will destroy the value of the ring so he will ask a shrewed sister for her opinion
  • Brandon asks if the ring is worth a lot of money
  • Christopher says that depends on what he considers a lot of money and asks what conditions Brandon wants him to adhere to
  • Brandon asks that he not tell his brothers
  • Christopher makes plans on where to meet Thomas before he goes to study at Greywoode Abbey with the mayor's nephew
  • Thomas will study with Brother Melchior, Christopher's colleauge 
  • Rick will take Thomas to Blackburn Abbey at next week's end
  • Brandon helps Christopher to his cart
  • Brandon feels silly that realizes Christopher was younger than he thought
  • Brandon and Christopher find Hart and Pip hitching up the horse and Dec and Rick with tools eyeing the cart
  • Brandon asks when Thomas will return and Christopher says a grown man
  • Christopher left his home at 11 then went home and then Greywoode at 15
  • Brandon can tell this isn't the life Thomas wants
  • Christopher tells Rick he expects him with Thomas
  • Christopher says he will stop by on his way back home from dropping off Thomas
  • Christopher says Thomas will have everything provided for 
  • Christopher asks who will go after the apple 
  • The Hobsons don't know of this news
  • Rodrick says his sons are smart enough to not go after the apple and to tell everyone to stay off his land
  • Rick and Brother Christopher whisper to one another
  • Brandon remembers that Annie is pregnant
  • Brandon goes to Christopher to remind him of getting money for food
  • Ed asks Brandon whats going on but Brandon says nothing
  • They enter the croft to find Rick telling everyone the good news that Annie is with child
  Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Brother Christopher
  • Rodrick
  • Thomas
  • Hart
  • Pip
  • Dec
  • Ed
  • Annie
  • Roland - mentioned
  • Lord Blackburn - mentioned
  • Sir Harald Thornbill - mentioned
  • Branwen the Great - mentioned
  • Brothers & Healers of Blackburn Abbey - implied
  • Master Kitter - mentioned
  • Blackburn Abbey's Reverend Abbot - mentioned
  • Shrewed Sister from County Woodcliffe - mentioned
  • Ewegenia - mentioned
  • Mayor - implied
  • Mayor's Nephew - mentioned
  • Father Melchior - mentioned
  • Brother Christopher's sisters - mentioned
  • Brother Christopher's neices and nephews - mentioned
  • Teachers at Greywoode Abbey - implied
  • People after the Golden Apple - implied/mentioned
  • Baby Hobson - implied
  • Mistress Marsham - mentioned
  • Apple Magic - Muses
  • Croft
  • Far Pebble Farm

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 13
  • # of Words: 2729
  • Reading Level: 4
  • Time Frame: 1/11/1511

Mood Boards



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