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Chapter 28: Brandon - Why Do Things Keep Getting Worse

Chapter 28 Deep Dive

  • Brandon is glad he is at home after the warm few days - what would Mistress Goode say?
  • He imagines her scolding travelers after the apple
  • Brandon shakes the thoughts of the apple from his mind
  • He distracts himself by helping Thomas pack
  • Thomas gets Hart's new tunic and hose and Hart is surly
  • Brandon distracts himself helping Pip and Ed till the southern field
  • In the evening Brandon is too tired and hungry to think of the apple
  • He overhears Rick and Annie arguing
  • Rodrick calls Brandon to his room
  • Brandon apologizes for eaves dropping
  • Rodrick insists that Brandon is not in trouble but only that he wants him to know everything will be ok
  • Brandon things will not be ok
  • Rodrick asks if he is ok and Brandon nods
  • They say goodnight
  • Brandon is woken up by voices
  • Rodrick opens the door to the room
  • He tells Brandon to go back to sleep and wakes Hart
  • Brandon follows them
  • Annie is unwell
  • Rodrick will go to the doctor, Hart to the midwife, and Rick to Mrs Marsham
  • Rodrick sends him to bed but Rick sends him to Annie
  • Annie is in the room, she asks Brandon to hold her hand
  • She tells Brandon she's worried
  • She asks for water
  • Brandon asks if its the baby
  • Annie looks very pale and she groans in pain
  • Brandon finds his father, Rick, and Hart are all gone
  • He tries to wake Dec but he doesn't budge
  • Thomas and Pip wake up
  • They care for Annie
  • Brandon asks if this is the sweating sickness and how their mother died
  • Pip says doesn't remember it but doesn't think it is
  • Moment later Dec comes storming into the kitchen demanding to know where everyone was
  • Dec says he'll get water since she has a fever to fill the tub
  • Rick returns at dawn with Mrs Marsham
  • Rodrick returns with the doctor
  • He makes teas and poltices
  • Hart returns with a midwife
  • She makes tea and polticies and she examines Annie
  • The men still go to the fields
  • Brandon is in the upper field with Hart and Dec
  • He is exhausted
  • Brandon stretches and he and Hart make eye contact
  • Hart suggests her and Dec go for the apple
  • They say how they could use the money but they don't have the courage
  • Brandon keeps working then looks back at them
  Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Rodrick
  • Thomas
  • Hart
  • Pip
  • Ed
  • Rick
  • Annie
  • Dec
  • Margery - mentioned
  • Mistress Marsham
  • Mistress Goode - implied
  • People going for apple
  • Doctor
  • Midwife
  • Baby Hobson
  • King Roland - implied
  • Far Pebble Farm
  • Southern Field
  • Brandon's & brothers room
  • Kitchen/living room
  • Rodrick's room
  • Rick & Annie's room
  • Northern field

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 11
  • # of Words: 2,110
  • Reading Level: 3
  • Time Frame: 1/16/1511 - 1/17/1511

Mood Boards



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