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Chapter 29: Brandon - A Single Step Forward...

Chapter 20 Deep Dive

  • The doctor and midwife say Annie needs more of everything
  • Mistress Marsham says she will bring Annie home but Annie refuses
  • Rick, Annie, and Mistress Marsham get into a argument until Rodrick calms them
  • The fight starts again as they make a plan for her care
  • The rest are thrown out of the croft
  • Hart, Dec, and Pip decide to go to town
  • Thomas, Ed, and Brandon go to the woods to get their traps
  • They find 3 fat rabbits and return them to Mistress Marsham for a nice stew
  • Brandon sits with his brothers and looks at the woods with Thomas while Ed cuddles a lamb
  • Brandon says he'll go to the Kitters' when Thomas leaves
  • Thomas nods and Brandon tries to memorize the little details of Thomas and Ed
  • Thomas has the Sharrow reddish hair, the Hobson nose and grin - too much andles and wrists, and hint of a mustache
  • Ed has a nose like Brandon's - thick, wavy, dark hair - Hobson chin and he tilts his head when engrossed in something
  • Ed and Brandon's eyes meet and Brandon feels embrassaed
  • Brandon doesn't feel ready to say goodbye yet
  • Brandon packs Thomas' old clothes, boots, hoods
  • Brandon packs winter blankets, plus string, rope, a hunting knife, and hatchet
  • Brandon packs a healthy portion of dried mutton, Rick's wine skin, traps
  • Brandon ignores the thought that he will starve way before then
  • There is a get together for Thomas on the night before he leaves
  • Grandmother Sharrow brings food
  • Hobson uncles brought wine and ale
  • Hobson aunts made him a thick blanket
  • Sharrow aunts made him several tunics
  • Sharrow uncles gave him a handful of cirros
  • There was music and laughing and stories
  • Thomas and grandmother Hobson
  • Thomas and the puppet show and falling into poop
  • Thomas shared a pie with Ed and Brandon
  • Ed asks Thomas if he is scared and Thomas said no
  • Thomas is more sad
  • Thomas joins his brothers for a drink
  • Ed says it will be hard to say goodbye
  • Brandon agrees thats why he is leaving before dawn
  • Thomas says goodbye to Grandmother Sharrow
  • The goodbyes take a long time and Thomas tells them he will return soon
  • They leave
  • Thomas says goodbye to Annie and his brothers, who give him advise
  • Thomas is teary eyed when he says goodbye to Ed and sobbing when he says goodbye to Rodrick
  • Brandon, misty eyed, goes outside
  • Rick follows to check on him
  • Rick asks if hes packed for the Kitters
  • Brandon says yes and he's decided to not go with them to the abbey
  • Brandon waits outside the croft in the early morning with his Kitter pack
  • He shivers in the cold 
  • He joins Rick to prepare the cart and load Thomas' things
  • Brandon asks whats wrong with Annie
  • Rick says he doesn't know but he got a job with Uncle Jack and can pay for her care
  • Rick says everything will be alright but Brandon doesn't believe it
  • Rodrick and Thomas come out of the croft
  • Rodrick says goodbye to Brandon, tells Thomas he's proud of him, and tells Rick to come back home soon
  • Rodrick goes back to the croft to care for Annie
  • Rick says its time to go
  • Brandon says he'll walk home to the Kitters
  • Thomas and Brandon say goobye and Rick says he'll stop by to say hi 
  • Brandon wishes he could say goodbye to Rick
  • Thomas tells Brandon to keep the peace
  • Brandon worries they can tell how nervous he is
  • THey say bye and Brandon waits until he can no longer see them
  • He runs back up the fields to his hidden packs and goes into the woods
  • He finds a squirrel in the trap, packs it for for food and takes apart the trap to bring with him
  • He goes deeper into the woods than he has ever been
  Chapter Questions:
  • What is the theme of big idea?
  • What Happens at the Beginning of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the Middle of the Chapter?
  • What Happens at the End of the Chapter?
  • What is the Most Important Moment of this Chapter?
  • How Does This Chapter Tie Into the Overall Story?

Plot Details

  • Brandon
  • Hart
  • Annie
  • Mistress Marsham
  • Rick
  • Rodrick
  • Dec
  • Pip
  • Thomas
  • Ed
  • Grandmother Sharrow
  • Hobson Uncles
  • Hobson Aunts
  • Hobson Cousins - implied
  • Sharrow uncles
  • Sharrow aunts
  • Sharrow cousins - implied
  • Grandmother Hobson - mentioned
  • Aunt Lucy - Sharrow
  • Uncle Jack ?
  • Margery - mentioned
  • Doctor - implied
  • Midwife - implied
  • Master Kitter - mentioned
  • Lamb
  • Traveing puppet show - implied
  • Kitter Family - mentioned
  • Squirrel dinner
  • Far Pebble farm
  • Croft
  • Fields
  • Shadow Woodland Edge
  • Outside of the croft
  • The hut/shed with the dried meat
  • Edge of the farm
  • The Shadow Woodlands

Chapter Details

  • # of Pages: 10
  • # of Words: 2,019
  • Reading Level: 4
  • Time Frame: 1/18/1511 - 1/23/1511

Mood Boards



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