
A slender, sharp featured race that take pride in their appearance and heritage.

Basic Information


All elves have pointed ears and sharp facial features, like pronounced chins and cheek bones. They are frequently slender in build and have platinum to blonde hair.

Civilization and Culture


Elves first appeared in Golden Empire lands in 159 BU, coming as an invading force. Originally numerous, decades of war slowly reduced the Elven population. Known to be expert swordsmen, the Elf force- known as the Doman Eile- swept across eastern Andricum before a proper defense could be put in place. Half-Elves became common after the war, but a century later all Elves restricted marriage to other Elves in order to preserve their race.
~500 years
Conservation Status
Full blooded Elves are quite rare ever since the end of the Doman Eile War.
Average Height
Average Weight
~90-160 lbs.


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