Golden Army Infantry

The main body of the Golden Empire's army.





The standard infantry soldier is equipped with a yellow tabard, shield, helmet, chain shirt, greaves, and leather gloves and boots for armor. Each is armed with a spear and short sword.   The crossbow regiment is equipped the same, but with a larger shield worn on their back. Instead of a spear, their main arm is a light crossbow.   Scouts are equipped with leather armor, and armed with a longbow and short sword. They often ride horses, but are not used as cavalry units.   A shock unit called the Silvered Swords are equipped with full helms and splint armor. They are armed with great swords, with a long and short sword at their sides.


The general infantry lines up with spears and shields forward, and the crossbows fire from behind while they march to meet the enemy. Using their large numbers the infantry swarm and try to overwhelm after the initial spear charge, while more heavily armed mercenaries or Silver Swords either hang back to reinforce or move to the flanks.   Mass attacks are the word of law in the Golden Empire army, and any fight where even a respectable number of foes are present is delayed until reinforcements can arrive.


The standing army takes a 15 day on, 15 day off training regimen. The 15 days on are spent practicing with weapons and doing small group marches into their bases surroundings. This way they get physical training from the march and occasional combat practice with any dangerous creatures. This also has the benefit of providing deterrence and regular defense against bandits or wayward mercenary troops.   The Silver Swords operate more like the Golden Knights, training year round as a career soldier. Silver Swords train in their own facilities, often a separate area of a garrison or a independent fort. They occasionally accompany Golden Knights on their quests, functioning as pseudo-squires and backup for difficult situations.


Logistical Support

Widespread agriculture in the empire lands helps to feed the army. Large wagon trains with food also accompany larger units, providing basic food and drink when local sources are scarce.


Mercenary groups are a near permanent fixture in the army. Used as independent units to harass backlines or use hit-and-run tactics, they fill the gaps in the regular army's simple swarm attacks.


All soldiers receive a daily pay of 3 gp, but this is withheld until they switch to off-duty. A daily allowance of 2 sp is given each morning at breakfast, which is taken from the rest of their pay. All arms and armor are provided for free, and all but the short sword and shield are left at their local garrison during off time. The sword and spear go with the soldiers in case of the need to muster a quick defense.


All races are recruited into the army. Certain units are made of one particular race (Dwarves for underground expeditions, Half-Orcs for key points in the front line, etc.).
1 AU
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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