Tollhouse Settlement in The Golden Empire | World Anvil


A city spanning both sides of the Fluss River.


Human, Halfling, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Half-Orc, Gnome


Town guard (~1,500), small portion of standing army (~2,000)   A large bell tower in the center of town serves as a watch tower and alarm system for any danger.

Industry & Trade

Tollhouse thrives by being a trade hub. Shipping goods up and down the Fluss river brings in wealth, and the import/export of grains from Chaffton makes this a center for various baked goods.


Many transport services exist for crossing or traveling the mighty Fluss River. Rope ferries, riverside towpaths, dinghy boats, and large paddle boats are available for transport of both goods and people. One single bridge spans the river at a narrow point.


Built shortly after Pike's Bay, it served as little more than a river crossing for many years. After the fertile land of Chaffton was found, Tollhouse became a storage location for the vast amount of produce and grain. With plentiful food coming in, more and more people moved to the area and trade flourished.
Inhabitant Demonym
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