War of the Doman Eile

The 150 year war between the Civil Trade Union and the Doman Eile Elves.

The Conflict


Elves of the Doman Eile invade under the assumed pretense of friendship. Conflict starts after a failed negotiation leads to a battle in Pearport.


Civil Trade Union: A massive force is built in the west. Lead by the regular army, a great many conscripts are pulled in throughout the war. Orcs and Dwarves play key roles in offensive and defensive efforts respectively.   Doman Eile Elves: A large force arrives in 159, and for the next ~100 years reinforcements continue to arrive from the east.


Entire continent east of the Western Goldflow.


Easing of tensions after fair terms are made.


Full integration of Elves into the Empire, nobility of Elves welcomed into the Golden Empires upper class.

Historical Significance

In Literature

Many works written about the brave defense of the Civil Trade Unions lands, and of the eventual realization of the Elves that the Union is a just and noble civilization worthy of respect and friendship. A scant few books written telling a different story of unwarranted aggression on both sides, but these are disproven by the staggering amount of Union records taken during the war.
Conflict Type
Start Date
2 Seedmoon 159 BU
Ending Date
7 Seedmoon 0 AU
Conflict Result
The joining of the Civil Trade Union and the Doman Eile elves into the Golden Empire.


Doman Eile Elves
Civil Trade Union


Estimated 900,000-1,500,000 soldiers.    Upwards of 600 ships during entirety of conflict.
1,800,000 regular soldiers. Estimated 3,000,000 conscripts.    25,000 volunteer Orcs.   10,000 volunteer Dwarves.   268 ships, about half of which were converted trade vessels.


Estimated 700,000.    Nearly all naval vessels lost.
Estimated 2,000,000.   200 ships lost.


Occupation of Andricum continent. Control of Western Goldflow, Eastern Goldflow, and Stone Lord gold sources.
Defense of Civil Trade Union territory, ousting of Doman Eile Elves from occupied cities.


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