The Odysseys begin


500 AU

A series of long distance expeditions called "The Odysseys" begin.

Running dangerously low on food and unable to significantly develop Andricums agriculture further, the Golden Empire reaches a point of desperation. Needing to find new arable lands, the empire sets up a system of exploration called the Odysseys. From each major port, massive ships are constructed capable of housing 2,000 passengers with supplies enough for 1 year. Volunteers families are given 1,000 gp each for each participant, the ship picks a direction, and sails out to find new land. If land is found, the passengers are to develop a settlement and send a ship to the mainland at least 5 years later with a report on their situation.   The first Odyssey is met with great fanfare and anticipation; this abates as the years pass with no reports. On the 10th year of receiving no word, another Odyssey is set up. Volunteers are hesitant to join, so the payment is upped to 2,500 gp. This Odyssey leads to the return of two ships, reporting small islands found to the west of Andricum. They are not suitable for widespread settlement, but the minor success renews hope in the Odysseys. They are set up to occur every decade at the start of the year, and are to continue until a large enough land to settle is discovered.

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