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A war priest from the west. Going on a journey to find sacred stones.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has masculine features and looks like hasn't eat anything in a year

Facial Features

He got a slightly pointy ears, thick eyelashes, Pupil-less golden left eye and Full black right eye

Identifying Characteristics

Golden Halo

Physical quirks

His body glow dim light

Special abilities

"I could cry all night"

Apparel & Accessories

Apparel: He wears vestment under scale mail armour, a belt with 4 small pouch and a medium bag on his waist. He's holding shield with His right arm and use scimitar with His left arm   Accessories: He got red crystal earring on his left ear and platinum ring on his left finger ring

Specialized Equipment

"I'm a healer, but.... I could become a very angry priest."

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Almost died trice

Gender Identity



Handsome strong vampire woman can dominate my holy pretty ass


Adamant learn about the world from the holy book and the temple He served.


Priest, Bronze Guildsmen at Golden Wool

Failures & Embarrassments

"Became fallen is a failure and embarrassment for a person with a holy purposes."

Mental Trauma

Adamant got PTSD from a war in the west long time ago, He also has fear of become a fallen once again. And He drowned 2 times in Golden Lake.

Morality & Philosophy

"Every living creatures is born with a purpose, even the most evil one I suppose. When they die, and if they are good enough, they will be return to the eternal peace."

Personality Characteristics


"Motivation huh.... I don't think I have one but, I live to serve the God so I could reach the Eternity."

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes: Citrus fruit, Bland Food.
  • Dislikes: Fiend, 


"I clean myself often because in my belief we have to keep ourselves clean in order to pray to the eternity"


Contacts & Relations

  • Arkha (Workmate)
  • "He is a very nice guy with big muscle, but damn those dad jokes always kill me"
  • Badogg (Workmate, Senior)
  • "He often teasing me but I enjoy it."
  • Carma (Workmate)
  • "Necromancy is a no no but I respect whatever She want to be"
  • Cobalt (Workmate)
  • "He saved me once but I'm sorry I can not stand with his personality, It's kind of disgusting."
  • Dekyalos (Workmate, Fellow Priest)
  • "He often teasing me but I do not enjoy it."
  • Edwin (Workmate)
  • "He looks rough but he got a soft heart."
  • Ken (Workmate, Sharing friends)
  • "Ken told me a lot about herself, I'm not sure why and somehow she does reminds me of someone I know..."
  • Ghulam (Workmate)
  • "He has a really bad sense of jokes, but it seems he puts the safety of others before himself"
  • Marie (Workmate, Fellow Priest)
  • "She is smol and very strong"
  • Margo (Margo)
  • "Margo..."
  • Whisker (Workmate, Fellow Priest)
  • "He smol"
  • Winka (Workmate)
  • "She got a very chill vibes, I wish I could be like that"

Family Ties

Aasimar Siblings  
  • Sunshine
  • "Big bro outside smol boye inside."
  • Hirai
  • "I still can not comprehend why are you be friends with fiends..."
  • Balvar
  • "He is a very good boy, even though he's a fallen one... I hope the light still shine on his path."

Religious Views

Adamant only believe in one God. He worship Aion, the God of Mercy and Eternity.


He is generous and polite, though he could became very judgmental sometimes.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Pet: Acheolus Iris (Exotic Fishe)
  • Hobbies: He sometimes enjoy drawing nature objects, and write autobiography on his own journal

Wealth & Financial state

"I only need a small amount of money to survive on this plane. But if God gives me more than I need, I will share it with people in need."

Aasimar expired

View Character Profile
Current Residence
Golden Wool Tavern
Platinum Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
189 cm
65 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Celestial
  • Infernal
  • Sylvan
  • Elvish (Still Learning)

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