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A pirate sail far from the Million Island to Halseamer for a reason even he himself don't understand. Somehow manage to drag himself into the Golden Wool, and surprisingly, this lost pirate found that "Reason".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Facial Features

"Honestly.... i can just pretend blind whenever i wanted to~"

Physical quirks

Sunshine have a glowing symbol shaped of a sun behind his back.

Special abilities

Have eyes that can glow brightly both in the darkest of night and the brightest of day.

Apparel & Accessories

A Golden compass, oddly doesn't have a mark of a natural compass that signed with North, East, West and South.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His name is ᏗᏝᏋጀᎥᏬᏕ, given by his mother, yet entitled as "Sunshine" by the people who he aid. Once, a prayer from a sorrowed children of the harbor, lost and blind. A shining light fall from the sky. Summoning a mortal creation, to aid them and guide them from the darkest time of the sea. Born with all the greatness from above, Guided by his mother through a single compass. He walks and strikes for whoever tries to cause harm upon the harbor he called home.   As he continues to live among the harbor's best friends the sailors, and of course the commonly uninvited guest, the pirates. He began to adapt through many changes, in order to survive. Including his believes, personality, and a weirdly unique fashion sense.   One day, after countless of years Living in the Million island's Harbor. The compass led out to another direction, into the open sea, far from the horizon. Hesitant to leave his home, the sun put his trust on his mother's guidance, that this is one of her calling to aid someone in need. And so he follows….


spending time under the sway of a dread pirate, A one handed old man who lived in a lighthouse was once a pirate, had taught Sunshine how to survive in a world of sharks and savages of the sea. From swimming, fighting, maintain till steering his own ship, and often fishing. Until Sunshine can sent more than one deserving soul away from their shores.
"The world is a one big scary places kid, Davy jones's locker the hell of'em! even far more scarier when you noticed your damned flaws.....! It give you fear.... and that fear, well... it's always there. Take it as a survival instinct yeah...? it can be quite unbearable to deal with, but trust me on this answer from many.... know, how to deal with it..."
Is one of the best lines that educates Sunshine till now.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Confident, with all his believes and might, Sunshine manage to become the light of the crew members. Literally. For every ships that lifts her anchor, He guided many that sails through the darkest storms, maintaining their safety as they venture across the sea and back to where home calls them.   Aside from sailing on ships, Sunshine's greatest achievements is probably becoming the heart of his home town. As people grow fond of him, encourage him, loved him and trusted him. it becomes his everyday morning to bring more Light and hope to this harbor.   No matter how hard the storm might gets.

Failures & Embarrassments

A single Aasimar alone, with countless of men on board the ship or even another ship that requested for his presence? Of course. Expectations can be the most self depressive weapon a mortal could get. And for Sunshine who carries the burden of countless expectations from many perspective, he once, twice, or even more, grow tired of it.   Even if he tried his best to remain strong for the sake of others, both his body and his mind can not bare the pressure.   So as he soon realize that he can not hold to many chains, he began to let some loose his grip. And soon did he realize once more, that those loosen grip can turn to grief. As people, began to question his strength, a young woman appeared, and told them that.
"You who believed him as your guardian, are nothing but a blind sheep! Look upon him...... he is naught more than just a mere mortal as same as you all!! just... more glowy...."
  Embarrassed, by those words, yet at the same time, Enlightened.

Personality Characteristics


Like what the old man who took care of him once told. That the world is a scary place, and his motives is as simple as wishing that he could make it less scarier, than how it already is. And of course, make the most fun of it while he's in it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sunshine is well handle with Navigator's tools and water vehicles. Surprisingly fast at making relations with the underdogs, in a way that most casual people wouldn't do.
Very bad at knowledgeable things, or perhaps the things that is hard to be noticed and explained by a mere conscious, such as magics.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes He likes walking around wandering from streets to streets, finding something interesting or fun to have, just because he's not very professional at "staying still", and absolutely enjoys water related activities. Swimming, Fishing, Sailing, and many more, even if he doesn't know that activity exist, he would absolutely going to try it once he know it. Seafood is common in his hometown, so he prefer land meat such as cows and lamb.
  Dislikes As experience told him, he really doesn't like formalities, selfishness, and pride, he often even jokes about it to make it feel comfortable just for himself, or perhaps to prove something to them, who knows. Exotic perfumes, fanciness and sometimes high nobles or marines, they don't usually get along with pirates. probably because of their lifestyle.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ship’s Passage When he need to, he can secure free passage on a sailing a ship for himself and his adventuring companions. He might sail on the ship his served on, or another ship he have good relations with.
  Street Smart Carousing, shadowboxing, and sparring all count as light activity for the purpose of resting for him. Additionally, once he have caroused in a settlement for 8 hours or more, he know all public locations in the city as if you were born and raised there. he cannot be lost by non-magical means while within the city.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aside from his messy lifestyle and his way on handling things. His blessing of glowing eye often can be a little inconvenience. He need to use his magic glasses in order to maintain those divine light.
  Bad Reputation No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your reputation. When you are in a civilized settlement, you can get away with minor criminal offences, since most people will not report your activity to authorities.


Contacts & Relations

Asto : The first guy who gave Sunshine a quest from the guild.
Artfael : A talking bush whom Sunshine met in the first time he arrived at the tavern.
Ken / Amel : Sunshine see Ken/Amel as a unique person. From the way they look and act, He enjoys a lively crewmate such as Ken/Amel in any party, count them in!
Cobalt : Sunshine see him as a funny guy. Interesting, maybe one day they could go for a flirting challenge. Despite their differences and historical conflicts by race, Sunshine still thinks that Cobalt is a fun guy to hang out with.
Arkha : He look like a big guy with a big heart, and a big brain filled with bigger jokes, to best be keep to himself really.
Tamar : A fellow shipmate from a certain Quest. Sunshine see Tamar as a fun guy to go with, especially when it comes to ''trading''. they both share the same curiosity perhaps, and very straight forward.
Nai : A fellow 'finders keepers' for a life motto. When it comes to improvise, Sunshine always do it alone, but Nai make it even better. A smart guy, and a fast one too.
Sky : Sunshine see Sky like that one grumpy cat, who he would tease and play so badly just because he thinks it's fun.
Badogg : The first guy who greet him for an arm wrestle, what a guy.
Kance : The second guy who greet him for an arm wrestle, with another guy named Goku. this two surely act like brothers in arm, Sunshine see Kance as someone who he would gladly take to any kind of riot.
Marie : The third gu- i mean lady, who somehow joined the arm wrestle and defeated Sunshine. Sunshine rarely had the chance to make good relations with nobles or higher community, but this one, Sunshine sees Marie in both fear and respect. He thinks that it's quite rare to see noble looking lady sit down in a tavern such as the golden wool itself, especially doing arm wrestling.

Family Ties

As an Aasimar born from the will of a strong celestial being, Machdalyne. For him, most Aasimar are to be his own brothers and sisters, a family formed by celestrial creation, yet with different fates and purposes.  
  • Adamantine : Sunshine mostly can't sleep because of this troubled brother. As a brother of a same being, He aim to help Adamantine as he can. Despite he have his doubts towards Adamantine's past events, ideology, and from his perceptions towards a specific other, but he will try his best not to put that doubt into a fast conclusion. Hoping that maybe, things will be different in this new adventure he walked in.
  • Hira : Hirai seem to be often look serious, and for most of the time, Sunshine disagree to that look, and would rather tease him for fun. Sunshine may not understand Hirai's purpose, and Hirai himself may not understand his, judging from what he told him. Both seem to have a confusion towards their purposes, and is one of the reason why Sunshine likes to be near him, aside from the respect he put towards Hirai's generosity and oaths.
  • Balvar : To Sunshine, Balvar is a very kind soul that needs to be keep, and a person who knows how to have some real fun too. His physical appearance may not look like most people visualize as an Aasimar, but the way he see how Balvar cured a girl from her blind eyesight, explains everything to Sunshine. He will not question more about the tale on why he become a fallen, and really want to give Balvar the comfort he need, even if it's just a little.

Hobbies & Pets

Chips the Blink Dog.

A Wandering Traveler from the open Seas.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Stupid
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Uh.... Parley...?"

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