Winka (a.k.a. Hoku Alakai)
"People has connected many lonely stars to guide their journey. Perhaps we can do the same with our bond of adventures, right?"Winka adalah seorang Tortle Druid dari Golden Leaf. Dia membuka jasa ramalan sembari membagikan suatu paham bernama "The Watchful Stars". Sekarang, dia mulai mengembara mencari orang-orang yang bisa membantu restorasi Dataran Ingia
__Winka the Star Druid.
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Secara fisik, Winka memiliki badan yang agak pendek, meskipun dia memiliki otot yang cukup berisi. Sisiknya berwarna kuning lumpur dengan tempurung kuning terang yang memenuhi dua pertiga badannya.
Body Features
Selain postur yang bungkuk, tempurung Winka agak sedikit penyok karena kecelakaan sewaktu dia masih kecil. Cekungan ini Winka pakai untuk "kantung serbaguna".
Facial Features
Winka has a stubby face, wide yet droopy blue eyes, red marking under the eye, and beak like a turtle.
Identifying Characteristics
Winka can be identified by a tattoo shaped like 4 section star on her forehead. The tattoo morphs into 8 sections every time she's casting or concentrating on a spell
Physical quirks
Winka is left handed and she walks a bit stooped due to her big shell
Special abilities
As a Star druid, Winka can morphs and attunes herself with the elements and wildlife of the material planes. She also being able to channel a power of starlight, giving her a glimmering Starry Forms
Winka's Starry Forms
Apparel & Accessories
Most tortle rarely use clothing and favoring backpack that's hanging on their shell. Since Winka has met many common races who dons clothes, she's slowly trying to fit in by wrapping her blanket like some sort of robe. Winka also modifying her backpack to hold her 'clothing' like a buckle.
Winka also wrapped many pouches with hempen rope around her body. Symbol of connective imaginary line that connect stars into constellations - a form of ritual from her finding during her life as hermit.
Specialized Equipment
Winka's Equipment laid out
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Early Life
Just like many tortle, Winka hatched and lived with 25 other sisters on a small village of Morselley around the swamp far south of the continent. Their parents only lived with them for a year and passed away due to old age. Her early decades were spent in a slow life with her sisters. Then the next decade on a small curiosity that pushed Winka to the wonder of wilderness. Soon, young Winka met with someone who will change her lifestyle forever.
Studying Druidic Lifestyle
During her mid twenties, She left her hometown to embrace what lies ahead in the wilderness. In the middle of her wander, she met a young druid. He showed Winka a way to linger around wilderness with a way of Druidic.
For several summers they exchange knowledge and their lives with each other. They jubilantly mold the elements, training to channel their primal instinct, studying the cycle that was imprinted in wilderness, and watching over bountiful life in the forest together.
However, Like many youngsters, their banter often accidentally sprouts several outbursts. They had arguments. They become distant. Their qualm and quarrels soon deranged into beastly fights and torment. Knowing that they can’t stay in the same way, they broke bonds. Winka wandered alone. Again.
Living under The Golden Guild
After a long wandering to many settlements and wilderness, Winka decided to set her foot and stay in a port town named Halseamar. Adventuring guild laid there; named Golden Guild. And its members were welcoming her. Winka signed in and happened to meet many wonderful faces; Dwarven cook Banain, small Satyr tinkerer Asto, and others guild members who often took her on a small adventuring quest near the town.
Given that she had never stayed in the same place for a long time, Winka was having a hard time adjusting with Golden. Guild and Halseamar’s commoner. Especially with everyone who had never seen a turtle standing tall like a person. Although Winka could get over it and adjust over time. In fact, she openly offers palm reading and charm making for every interested commoner and guildmens alike.
Guildmen and occasionally a fortune teller in Golden Wool.
Failures & Embarrassments
Winka still feels an awkwardness sinc she has not been in touch with the other druids due to her departure with her Teacher/Close Friend.
Intellectual Characteristics
She's skilled in natural phenomena, medicine, astronomy, and reading ancient celestial manuscript regarding to the stars.
Morality & Philosophy
Winka's discovery about "The Watchful Stars" has led her into a cryptic way of people's fate and fortune. Believing that people's fate can be altered by the bond among others.
Druidic culture is a secret that must be shared only with other druid.
Personality Characteristics
Winka want to restore the lost knowledge of the stars, while also become a beacon that guide people's fate and fortune under "The Watchful Stars"
Likes & Dislikes
- Making and burning insence
- Shrimps with berry sauce
- Sightseeing
- Fishing
- Smoking pipe
- Cold Water
- Snows
- Mushrooms
- Breaching personal space
- Milk
Virtues & Personality perks
Winka seems to be slow and calculating, nurturing, and considered wise by the others
Vices & Personality flaws
Patient has it's limit, and Winka's limit isn't that high. She's thinking too long and act too slow. Also, knowing herself considered wise by the others makes her realized that she's not that wise.
Contacts & Relations
- a
Golden Wool Guildsmen
- a
- a
May the Watchful Stars guide your fate~
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
33 tahun
Date of Birth
Summer of 1688
Morselley Village
Current Residence
Golden Wool's Tavern
Sklera dan Iris Biru
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sisik kuning lumpur
162 cm
210 kg
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Bonehorn, Druid Hunter
Late Summer of 1722
Party terdiri atas Winka, Alice, Cobalt, Fael, Vivi, dan Biru.
Perjalanan untuk melawan salah satu dari beberapa Druid Hunter yang tersebar di Netonia membuahkan beberapa informasi. Druid Hunter terdiri atas beberapa orang. Mereka tersebar di beberapa daerah, dan sejauh ini terlacak di beberapa bioma: Hutan, padang rumput, serta pegunungan. Saat ini, Bonehorn terkonfirmasi berada di salah satu hutan di utara Halseamar.
Perjalanan ditempuh selama 2 hari. Biru dan familiar Vivi menyisir pesisir dekat hutan, dan sisanya menyelusuri di dekatnya. Di tengah perjalanan, para party dihadapkan oleh sisa jenazah orang tak dikenal. Setelah diidentifikasi, jenazah ini ternyata merupakan pekerja tembakau dari kota tempat tinggal Alice. Para Jenazah mengenakan semacam kalung tulang di leher mereka. Para Jenazah dikebumikan oleh party setelahnya.
Party bertemu dengan Bonehorn. Bonehorn mengkonfirmasi pembantaian pekerja tembakau itu adalah ulahnya. Pertarungan terjadi. Bonehorn berhasil dikalahkan dengan Moon Beam dari Alice sebagai serangan penghabisan. Syukurnya para party tidak ada yang gugur. Akan tetapi jenazah Bonehorn tidak dapat dibawa karena hangus oleh sinar bulan tersebut.
Saya menyarankan investigasi lebih lanjut terkait korban sipil ini. Serta pertemuan dengan pihak perusahaan tembakau untuk pembicaraan lebih lanjut.
Bulan Merak Akhir, 1722
Investigating a Delirious Brews
Summer of 1722
In her early fifth months being a guildsmen in Golden Wool, Winka finally received her first mission. Briefed by a Human Paladin named Aloth, he reports the guild member about suspicious red brews circulating around Halseamar’s citizens. However, it has become a grueling task for Golden Wool’s personnel to infiltrate and gain more intel since most of the citizens are being wary of them. So, Aloth requested some of the newest members to gather more information about it. Winka, alongside with Kance (an Apeling Monk), Ghulam (a Warforged Ranger), Edwin (a Dragonborn Paladin), and Cobalt (a Tiefling Bard) decided to start investigating by scouting around Halseamar’s marketplace and bazaar. They splitted up to make sure everyone is not putting an eye on them.
While Winka took a stroll, she heard a commotion not so far away. It was Kance picking a fight with a small group of half-orcs. Turns out they’re smuggling the brews and selling them to the citizens. They almost deteriorated into a huge fight if only Winka hadn't charmed one of the half-orcs to befriend them. In fact, that half-orcs admires Winka for her fascination for calming elixirs. He invited Winka to his workshop later at night and gave her a sample as well.
Satisfied with their intel, the party decided to regroup and head home. Winka was tempted by the brew, asking their leader Cobalt to test the sample. The bargain ensued. He hesitantly allowed her. Winka rejoiced, trying to check and try the brew herself. Unfortunately, Edwin - being worried - peeped into her room. Winka was surprised, dropped the bottle and shattered the whole thing. Unbeknown to them, the whole liquor inside of it evaporated instantly. Winka and Edwin realized that after a while, the bottle was leaving a strange reddish rock…
That night, the party traveled to the workshop with the intention of apprehending them. Ghulam decided to keep on watch from the outside. The workshop is pretty tight. They forced the party to put down their gear. With their weapon confiscated, the whole party was ruminating to take them down. Winka tried to cast a spell to bind them silently while slowly testing the brew (for real this time.) Still and all, Cobalt suddenly took his initiative and attacked one of the half-orc. Winka startled, chugged a bit of the brew and received a vision. A Nightmare to be exact. Then, the fight ensued.
The fight ended in a huge blast. One of the half-orc was accidentally striking the brew container and exploded, then creating chain reactions to blast the whole building. Many of them were injured, even Winka was barely alive. Soon after, Aloth took cover and helped the group, thanking them for the investigation and capturing the benefactor of the liquor. And finally, Winka and the others were hospitalized for several weeks, recovering under a Satyr Artificer named Asto.
Winka's Guildmen Entry
Springs of 1722 GE
Springs of 1722
My stay in this town has been quite a warm welcome. I met a nice dwarven lady named Banain who happened to be the owner of this tavern. And...turned out this tavern is also a place for an adventuring guild. Ah, So many new faces. So...many opportunity to share the Watchful Star's words. You got this, Winka! You can finally starts a new life on your own again! Once the documentation is completed, I can gleefully share this wisdom to everyone; Starting in this small town...
May the Watchful Stars guide me
Musim semi, 1722
Aku mulai betah tinggal di kota ini. Aku telah bertemu dengan seorang dwarf baik hati bernama Mbak Banain, yang ternyata juga pemilik dari tavern ini. Terus siapa sangka kalau tavern ini juga menjadi tempat persinggahan sebuah guild petualang. Ah! banyak orang-orang baru. Begitu....banyak kesempatan buat mencurahkan kata-kata Pantauan Bintang ke telinga mereka. Kamu pasti bisa, Winka! Kamu akhirnya bisa memulai hidup baru setelah sekian lama tidak begini! Begitu pengurusan dokumennya sudah beres, aku bakal lebih mudah untuk membagikan kebijaksanaan ini ke orang-orang di kota ini....
Semoga Pantauan Bintang membimbingku