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Aerial is a large scale emergence denoted by a large seemingly bottomless chasm, that stretches like a scar across the Avernian wasteland. Due to spacial anomolies covering its borders, it is generally was considered as a highly dangerous area. If one were to peer out from the chasm, they would see an ever encompassing mist, like a crimson cloud reaching out in front of them.

Due to the emergence being suspended in the air above the chasm, exploration of this region is only ever done by creatures that possess flight. However, if one was to pass its borders they would discover that once within its borders, they would find themselves suspended in air, as if all weight had lifted from their body. Venturing deeper into the anomaly, they would find matter phasing in and out of existance around them as the world itself seems loose and unfixed. They would find a wonderland, suspended within the clouds in clusters of rocks and ruins. Aberrations such as Grell or Ixitxachitl stalks the unbound wastes like fish in the sea.    


The Aerial emergence, is in fact a emergence that is still occuring. For a reason unknown to those who inhabit avernus, the emergence that was meant to appear near instantly has been phasing in and out of existance for the last couple of hundred years. As if something is bracing against the effects of the emergence. Keeping it from completing its natural cycle.   A large effort is put towards researching this society that has magic powerful enough to brace against nature itself, however not much is known beyond that which has been gleamed from the ruins that appear in the emergence. The name Aerial came from notes recovered from said ruins.   Due to the unstable space around the emergence, Abberations from the astral sea routinely appear within its boundries, this is a huge concern to the residents of Avernus as they attack anything they come into contact with. Be it beast or devil, due to this the 76th regiment was posted on its borders to keep any astral beings from escaping. Until such time as the emergence has finished being created.    

Clouds Rest


A small establishment positioned on the edge of the emergence, owned by The Association and operated by Crolrak Erabor a white Abarshai who owns and keeps a large number of wyverns, which are rented out to travellers of the emergence upon request and payment.  

Aero Millitarum


Deep within the Aerial Rift, upon the cusp of the inner core lies a ruin of what appear to be a stronghold. The effects around this region is chaotic as the laws of time and space distort under the comparatively weak boundary between here and the astral plane. This location marks the border to the core, where the rules at their weakest. The structure here appears at first glance to be a colossal military statue of what appear to be a middle aged high elf. A Plaque written underneath it in a unknown language.
Dimensional, Pocket
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