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Amduscias Hearth



Surrounding the mount lies a massive wall, seemingly constructed out of scrap and various metals. Reaching 20 ft high, this structure circles the mount almost completely. Leaving an area of 100ft between here and the mount itself. The structure has only one visible entrance, a large metallic door. Reaching from top to bottom of the massive structure. Large tracks lead in and out of the area. With a massive book standing by the centerpoint between the two massive doors.

The Book of Amduscias

Sitting by the center of the great gate, sits a large book of unknown origins. Its pages are weathered and battered, yet the ink upon its right page appears fresh and remains wet to this day. The words the pages are infernal in origin.   The Page reads as follows:
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By Archduke Amduscias command   Those who wishes to pass these gates does so in in the grace of his lord Amduscias, Archdevil of Avernus, Reconciliator of foes.   Those who wishes to gain entrance must do so in the spirit of his name. They must vow not to act with Homicidal intent.   Sign your name in this book and do not intentionally slay when within its walls. Those that do will suffer his wrath.   Sign your name and the contract is Done.

The City of Amduscias


Seemingly carved out of the massive mount that lies before you, lies a series of stone and metal structures. Haphazardly built from roof to floor in the mountain, each building spewing out pitch black smoke which creates a sky of dark clouds across the roof of the cave. Numerous large metallic machines lies within it. Devils, fey, humans, and more all appears to tread these streets, seemingly uncaring of your presence. Despite the contract signed upon entry this is by no means a peaceful place. People, devils and more can be seen sporatically upon the streets, bleeding or otherwise grieviously wounded. Shops and establishments appear to line the sides of the streets. Selling all manner of debauchery, weapons, drugs and more. The two largest structures within the ramshackle town is a large inn. Taking up most of the western edge, and a massive metallic factory the very end of the cave, taking up most of the space. This massive structure gives out a massive ammount of heat, and generates a staggering ammount of sounds. Upon the factory edge, lies a symbol of what appears to be strange flesh golem.  


The cavern mouth is the headquarters of the Knuckebones gang, hosting all its members when it is not out on patrols or fights. Chukka and Clonk are the figureheads and voicepiece of the Hag Maggie, who controls the gang from within. The gang itself is a group of misfits, imps, redcaps, and even wizards and other colourful figures can be seen stalking the hell engines, the factory and the streets of Amduscias Hearth. The Streets of Amduscias is seen as a hearth within Avernus, and beside the gang that operates there, it is home to a large number of visitors and traders who come there to relax or trade.    

Cave of a Thousand Eyes


After a small stone corridor, the mouth of the cave opens up to a large internal cavern. Numerous luminous streams of liquid flowing from the cealing, congealing in pools across the floors of the chamber. Bright green grass glows in the pathways between the pools, snaking down towards the center of the chamber. A 2 story house has been built within the center of the room where the countless roads meet. The outside sporting a modest garden.


The Inside of the cave is a highly guarded place, only the closest members of the hag may visit this place, and those who do are only allowed entrance on her orders. This is the residence of Maggie, the hag who runs the knucklebones gang. From this location she views the world through her pools. Providing viewpoints throughout avernus through her minions as well as her
Alternative Name(s)
Cave of pools, Knucklebones HQ, Intruders Rest
Location under
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