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The Ashen Forest

Liminglita Forest


The Ashen forest is a wide reaching forest that rests not far from the banks of the river styx. The forest itself seems to have long since burned down, trees scarred and almost petrified. The floor filled with ash, that is periotically knocked up causing a near perpetual mist in the area. The forest seems to possess some anomulous properties as those entering the forest will notice that it appears to almost smother sounds within its borders. The sounds of the outside vanishing leaving nothing but an unsettling silence in the air. Areas of throat like appendages forms in the ground, lungs that expel thick plumes of ash into the air above.

The Blood Roots

Underneath the heavy ashen ground and the black tainted dirt lies a extensive network of blood red roots. writhing and pulsating as if veins within ones body. These 'roots's tretch the entire lenght of the forest.   For devils, this is a good thing. Many devils appear to brave the dark woods in order to dig up these roots. Dangerous as they may be, these roots if handled properly can become a strong drug that boosts a devils physical ability. Because of this devils make regular excursions into the forest, using lower-level devils to scavange for bloodroots that they can then sell for soul coins. A practise that has an extremely high mortality rate.   Touching the bloodroots will cause the user to rapidly start to assimilate the root. Bringing a large degree of pain, it has to be quickly expelled from the body using fire and disconnected from the root system as quickly as possible.

Liminglita Village


The village is veiled in an everpresent mist, conjoured by the forest floor and strange rituals performed by Phebia. The mist is built to disorient those who enter the forest, those who are lucky enough end up at the edge of the forest once more, while those unlucky may end up wandering the misty landscape. Stuck in its perpetual cycles until they fall and feed the forest or perish from starvation or worse. This field is maintained by runes imprinted in the forest trees. Each one spaced some distance away from eachother, veiled within the thick bark.


The village is made out of simple thatch and wood, a creation of the elves that used to inhabit the forest. Most of the buildings are empty, the floors and furniture ruined and filled with the same ash that exists across the forest. In the center of the village lies a large tree-like growth, spiraling around itself like a helix, it grows tall. Yet its exterior is that of flesh, a mother tree of the forest, transformed into a fleshy facsimile of itself.


Strange creatures stalk these streets, their bodies bipedal but their skin are covered in flesh tissue and hideously mutated, some of the creatures seem to have melded into the ground itself, rooting itself to the ground and the village. The creatures aren't outright hostile but will attack if engaged directly. Most of them lack any method of communication, mutations often growing over their mouths and body in a way that makes it impossible to utter anything but gargled noises.
Alternative Name(s)
Blood Forest, Forest of Silence
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