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The Bloodthorn plague

The Bloodthorn strain, a disease that could only be dreamt up by the darkest of minds, its power incorruptible, unstoppable. The victims can do little but watch as their body and mind are warped beyond compare. Leaving only the threads of humanity in its wake.

Transmission & Vectors

The disease appears to only be infectious during the initial stage of its infection, losing its infectivity as it mutates and begins to assault the host. Before that point, the disease rapidly multiplies within the hosts fluids. Leading to blood, spit, sweat and other bodily liquids to all carry the virus. As such, during this stage, the host is considered highly contagious.


The Bloodthorn Plague began in 1494, created by the The Vanthampur Family in the remnants of the city of Elturel. The Plague was genetically engineered by their cultists in the effort of creating a viral decease that was impossible to cure outside of the cure they provided. Being foiled in their plan by a group of adventurers the cure was lost, but the disease had already leaked, leading to it taking hold in the refugees escaping to Baldur's Gate from the area surrounding Elturel.


There is no known treatment for Bloodthorn as the disease appears resistant to almost all kinds of magical intervention, leaving most afflicted to suffer its effects.   Thus far there has been two methods of hindering the development of the illness, the first involves amputation of infected tissue before it continues taking hold in the subject. The other curiously is the Remove Curse spell that appears to have a tentative effect in prolonging the time it takes for the disease to reach the later stages.


Phase I

Duration: Unknown
Mortality Rate: Minimal
Upon first exposure to Bloodthorn, the disease will enter into a highly reproductive phase. Rapidly consuming glucose and fatty tissue within the host to reproduce, increasing concentration within the body. During this time, the blood and other bodily fluids will contain excess ammounts of the disease, causing any interaction with bodily fluids of the afflicted to spread the disease. This will continue for a uncertain ammount of time until concentration reaches a certain threshold within the body, upon the second phase would begin.

Phase II

Duration: Unknown
Mortality Rate: Low
When concentration of the disease reaches a certain threshold. The consumption of glucose and fatty tissues will increase dramatically, leading to a state of increased metabolism within the victim. This is othen accompanied by a dramatic loss in body mass and, as the decease begins to also consume the muscle tissue of the host. Those victims with already documented health concerns or of a frail complexion risk fatal malnutrition during this phase. The Disease will convert any mass gained in this way into infectious pustules that are likened to thorns created out of hardened and darkened tissue on the outer skin of the subjects. Additionally the viscosity of the blood in the victim is altered, becoming more akin to oil it will combust upon being exposed to oxygen. The flame carries a dark red hue.

Phase III

Duration: Unknown
Mortality Rate: High
The final phase of the disease appears to follow no noticable pattern to its initiation. However upon the beginning of this phase, the virus will rapidly over the course of several days begin to alter the bodily constitution of its victim. These mutations appear to be a crude facsimilie of the mutations observed within the plaguechanged abominations observed during the spellplague. Taking upon animalistic traits such as enlongated appendages such as claws, or drastically increased muscle mass. This is othen accompanied by the outgrowth of thornlike structures from sections of its body. Curiously enough, while the mutations appear to claim most lives who undergo it, the process does not appear to be entirely fatal. Those victims who survive this phase appear to show heightened aggression and accute psychosis.

From the Notes of Elre Pamaris, clergy of the house of healing hands.


Any victims suffering from the first stage of the disease should be immediately quarantined until the symtoms progresses to the second phase.

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