Xiquear Geographic Location in The Great Dream | World Anvil

Xiquear (Shee-kweer)

What is this place?
— Ulmun Goldwick
  Xiquear is a small hell world inhabited by strange spirits and automatons. It is a lifeless place of blind monsters and silent cities.  

The Fingers of Xiquear

  Xiquear is made up of three long skinny islands. It is said that they are Retex's fingers that were severed from his hand long ago by Yasin, a powerful lucid. The three fingers drift though The Darkness blackened and petrified and are home to many a strange horror.    


  Tondon was Retex's pointer finger. It is a flat waste covered in frozen ash. Those that linger on the wastes too long run the risk of attracting bonewyrms. These horrors are massive earthworms covered in long serrated spines. They lurk underground until they detect the vibrations of prey above. Then they will leap forth and attempt to absorb its quarry in its gelatinous bulk.  


  Collecting around the obelisks that dot the island these masked spirits haunt Tondon. Their bodies are nothing but black mist, but each one has a unique and intricate iron mask covered in patterns. They do not speak, using telepathy to communicate with each other. When in groups tondondonea can perform great feats of magic.


  Kox was Retex's middle finger. It is a slick land made of pure smooth steel. Rivers of blood flow across the metallic plains and offer a habitat for all manner of hellish amphibians. On the plains, many strange mechanical creatures lurk, some are harmless, but most are deadly.  


  In Kox's iron cities dwell the Koxlk. They are 3-sided pillars made of metal bands with a flowerlike formation on top. On each of their three sides is a single eye. Though their eyes koxlk can cannel the power of The Darkness to manipulate the world around them. One eye usually can perform telekinesis, which the others have other powers unique to its owner.


  Retex's ring finger is an angry land. Rivers of magma flow through the obsidian hills, and brooding volcanos smoke on the horizon. The ground is on place for life, so Illix's monstrosities take to to the skies. Multiheaded flying reptiles and massive bats are commonplace in the sulfur-stained air. They lay their eggs in the crags and canyons safe from the lava's flow in nests of earthen shards and splintered bone.  


  Illixi are disembodied robes filled with a smokey void. From inside their hoods peers a single green eye. They live in villages and towers in less active regions of Illix. They possess strange and advanced technology and legend states that they were the original creators of the Koxlk.
Xiquear Map

A Living Land

  Being Retex's dismembered fingers, Xiquear is still partially connected to the body. The fingers are prone of twitching on occation, and they often crack and bleed. Necromancers will journy to Xiquear in hopes of benifiting form the the latent power that remains in the fingers. When Yasin took Retex's fingers they put a curse on the deamon lord, dooming hime to an eternity of searching for him missing extremities, making it imposible to every find them again. Retex knows of Xiquear and has visited the place on a few occations, but the cure pervents him form ever knowing that they are his lost fingers.

Cover image: by juh juh ...