Vault 173

Dwellers accepted to this Vault were selected because of a wide array of sleep related illnesses. They were told that studies would be performed to learn the root causes of their diseases and the promise to cure them permanently. With many of these poor souls having their entire lives ruled by this one issue, they happily agreed.

The doctors started off genuinely enough, prescribing medications and experimenting with white noise machines to induce consistent and sustainable rest. After a few years passed however, the study began to focus on keeping a group of insomniac patients awake as long as possible. Logs indicate the use of temporary implants that emits a frequency that does not permit the body to enter R.E.M. sleep along with the help of a few stimulant chems.

The records stop not long after this experiment begins, with the last entries coming straight from a horror movie. What is known is that the Vault failed, with evidence of the gruesome massacre still there today. Those that have explored it rarely speak of what they have seen, leaving behind the bounty of pre-war salvage to remove any connection they have with the location. It has spurred on so much superstition and fear that someone erected a field of mines and turrets to deter any further disturbances.

Underground / Subterranean


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