Vault 200 Geographic Location in The Great Dust Bowl | World Anvil

Vault 200

Premiered as one of the top spots for those involved with politics, the ads were specifically tailored to attract a certain demographic. Many were even members of the current government, who received their invitations directly. The dark truth was that this was intended to punish the current regime’s rivals and deviations from what they considered core American values. Once the doors sealed shut, a new world of hell awaited the poor souls locked inside.

With unlimited authority, the Overseer tested the limits of human empathy in unspeakable experiments. Scheduled to reopen the standard hundred years after closing, it failed after just thirty six when a violent revolt was led, ending with the decapitation of the Overseer and control over the upper levels. Unfortunately for the survivors, those lower in the Vault received a warning and were able to seal themselves off with all the food and controls to the water, forcing them ultimately to flee into the wastes in search of a new home.

Those loyal to the late Overseer reclaimed the Vault for a time, but offered it to the Crawler in exchange for citizenship. What remains now is a large chasm filled with rusted or corroded bits of scrap that did not meet the grade for reclamation. All vital systems were assimilated along with much of the corridors and rooms themselves to house the newcomers and meet the ever growing power requirements.

Underground / Subterranean


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