The Demean Host

The Demean Host was a pantheon of deities, primarily worshipped within the Mycenian peninsula. A pantheon being a collection of Gods worshipped by a group of people who shared a characteristic such as their racial background or culture group. In The Demean Host's case, their common believers shared a cultural background - as almost no one outside of the Mycenian culture group worshipped these Gods in modern Theryn. One potential reason for this is that The Demean Host are seen as a deeply personal and mortal selection of divinities, who are often claimed as ancestors of the Mycenian people or even by some as the creators of the supreme human Mycenians.   The Gods:
- Asteria was the Goddess of Arcana and the creator of the stars, during the Tenebraum she sealed away the betrayer Gods behind the night sky and gave the Mycenians the gift of magic to defend themselves should they ever try to break out and claim vengeance upon the world.   Atalastus - Atalastus was the God of the Forge and crafter of the divine armaments wielded by the Gods, during the Tenebraum he forged mythical weapons said to give mortals a sliver of the pantheon's immense power to fight back the growing darkness.   Aurania - Aurania was the Goddess of Luck and   Demea - Demea was the Goddess of Merlayne and mother of the world as we know it, during the Tenebraum she sent the great beasts of Merlayne to aid against the betrayer Gods and turned the very world they walked on into their demise.   Heria - Heria was the Goddess of Rulership and eldest daughter of Demea,   Hesperia - Hesperia was the Goddess of Beauty and   Krastaros - Krastaros was the God of Agriculture   Maatok - Maatok was the God of The Dead and Warden of Ataaros   Mercura - Mercura was the Goddess of The Hearth and   Minaros - Minaros was the God of War   Moraea - Moraea was the Goddess of The Moon   Promonus - Promonus was the God of Protection   Thalassia - Thalassia was the Goddess of The Sea   Thymira - Thymira was the Goddess of The Sun   Vasilius - Vasilius was the God of Kings


Though the most supreme amongst the divine, the sleeping Goddess Demea was unfit to rule or guide the pantheon as it's leader and thus the leadership of the Demean Host was granted to her most accomplished children. Heria, Goddess of dominion and control was chosen to be the Queen of the Gods in the story of Golden Apple of Methsenime, while Vasilius, God of mortal men and kings,was chosen to be the King of the Gods after his 9 trials of courage against the daughters of Espherinye.   Under the combined rule of Heria, daughter of Demea, and Vasilius, son of mortals, the Host was maintained as a powerful pantheon of Gods, able to guide their mortal worshippers into the various golden ages that awaited them.