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Archon of the House

Within every house of Magicians there is the one in charge, who decides their affiliations, what information may be traded, and who may join. In general, this position is called the Archon, but it has variations within each house. In the Aternalis House, the Archon is called the Light, short for “the one who carries our eternal light,” while in the House of Callian, the Archon is simply called Callian, after the founder of the healing House, Callian Forseeker. (The House of Callian has a unique history among Magicians because it was never formally founded, so much as followers of his bound together to form a House-like organization that was later accepted into the Ring of Magicians.)   Archons are the top person in their respective houses, but they form a council together, called the Ring of Magicians. Because there is much animosity and politics between most of the Houses, it seems counterintuitive that they would join together around a table as equals. Some say, particularly Istorians, that it is just a holdover from our cultural ancestors in the Lower Realm, who probably had/have a similar system of representation of the races. When the Magical Houses started appearing, about a century after the sealing of the realm, one founding Archon, Mother Torlia of the House of Regfey (a contraction of “Regna the Fey” and indeed the House does follow a ideology similar to Regna’s), sought out the budding pre-Archon leaders and bound them under an oath of compliance. This formed the Inner Ring of Magicians, those magically bound to peace.   The Outer Ring of Magicians are the Houses that have risen up since Mother Torlia’s time and are not magically bound to each other. There is far more direct infighting among these houses and often make alliances with Inner Ring Houses. Inner Houses have ancient knowledge passed down from the receeding immortals that most Outer Houses want, thus the trade of knowledge for military action is a frequent exchange between Houses of the two rings.
Magical, Honorific

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Aug 21, 2024 01:36 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3