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Magic in the Upper Realms is so volatile and uncontrollable that magicians have developed a way to concentrate and focus the magic: runeshapers. The runeshaper uses the writer as a conduit for magic, distilling the power into an inky manifestation. Prior to the Upper Realm, runes weren’t used for magic (speaking the incantations was enough), but interpreting magic into a system in which the magic is placed directly on the item that will be affected, and shaping the magic directly, allows for much greater control of the outcome.   Runes are highly pictographic, often resembling the desired outcome, but rely heavily on meaning imbued by the writer. One of the most common runes known to the public is the tutum rune, a protection. It is essentially a double circle, symbolizing keeping things whole and intact, and also contained, yet writing the rune, even by the most skilled writer, is not enough for the rune to take predictable course. A feeling or memory of safety must be conjured while writing, or else it may not take its desired effect.   Another common rune is for healing, particularly healing from disease. This one looks much like a cartoon heart (not an anatomical heart, because symbolism is enough) and must be written when feeling hearty. In this way, rune magic is largely projection, for things that one has not experienced themself cannot be cast upon anything.   The emotional element is vital. Because runes did not exist prior to the Upper Realm (some scholars say a rudimentary version did, primarily for the recording of spell books, but very little about the Lower Realms is known beyond the legends passed down by generations), there is not an exact science of rune writing. The healing from disease rune is most commonly written with a heart, but some areas have been known to use smiley faces, or even a stick figure.   The language of runes can be self-discovered, but most follow a standard language of runes moderated by Dagphi and other powerful magicians. Practiced magicians, and even non-magicians who are familiar with runes can tell a lot about a spell just from the runes and its shape.

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