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In a world where magic is believed to be the root of evil and ill-fortune, it makes sense for people to seek out ways to protect themselves against it. Those who are adamantly anti-magic (like most residents of Haven) take certain mortal precautions such as avoiding highly magical locations, known magical users, and strict health-consciousness. While magic-using is generally seen as taboo across the entire Upper Realm, other places are typically less strict and harbor healthy “black markets” for magic. Many do not practice magic themselves, but may purchase enchantments, protections, or enhancements from underground market places.   A tutum is the most widespread magical protection one can buy. Like all controlled magic in the Upper Realm it is cast via a runeshaper, a pen-like tool that concentrates and focuses magic from the user, and the “tutum” rune (a double circle shape) is written on an item. Once the rune is set, that item, when worn or carried by the owner (for it must be small enough to be worn or carried), will signal whenever magic tries to enter or affect their body.   And because magic, though frequently utilized, is not something to be shown publicly, many people choose items and rune locations that are easily concealed and not suspicious to carry. Jewelry is common, where the run can be hidden on an underside or within the design, but some chose small trinkets to be kept in their pockets, often stones or small toys.   The expression of magic detection depends on the item, but frequently manifests as a glow, color change, vibration, dramatic change in temperature because many choose their tutum object to be a piece of jewelry. However, some have been known to display images (such as on fabrics or items with large surfaces) or even animate (such as with small toys). But just as item type may affect its expression, so does the magical abilities of the writer (for example, toys may not fully animate if the writer does not have strong magical blood or is not well trained).   While most protection runes can be written by the professional magic user and passed along without much change in the enchantment’s strength, the tutum rune will only work for the person who wrote it. The magic fueling the rune is linked to the protection and for this reason anyone can have a tutum, even Dagphi and immortals who have potent magic running through their veins. Writing the rune creates a baseline of magic, and fluctuations from that baseline (including the draining of magic, though that is very rare) set off the expression.   A tutum is not a ward, however. It only notifies the owner when magic is affecting them; it does not prevent the magic in any way. But because magic is so secretive and infused with the Upper Realm, it is useful to know when it is near. Magical ailments can more easily be detected through the use of tutums (such as Arboria), or if you are unknowingly consuming magical plants/potions. It has even been known to signal the onset of a Dagphi’s magical burst (when their nature makes itself physically known).
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