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Castle Highwater

“High upon the eastern cliffs of Awis Island stand a great castle looking out to the lands in the east. Castle Highwater has long been not only a refuge for the mortal races, but also for the many animals and birds of the island. Said to be blessed by the goddess Ava herself, the Castle has long been a beacon of hope for those who have lost everything.”


Castle Highwater is the seat of power of Awis island but it does not mean that they rule over the island in the King of the Commonwealths stead. The rule of law of the island is in two parts. The Warden of Awis Island rules over the island itself and everything that is upon it. The Baron of Castle Highwater, rules under the warden and resides over the castle and the adjacent town. Often the Baron of the castle is given the title of warden. But there have been cases when a Barens loyalty is in question, the title of Warden will be stripped and given to another. Currently the island is ruled over by Baron Milos of House Highwater, Warden of Awis Island.


The castle itself sits on a cliffside that drops down several hundred feet to its east. On the north & western side of the castle a forty foot tall wall stands guard, while to the south facing the town there is a shorter twenty five foot wall. Surrounding the town there is a eighteen foot wooden wall with several wooden towers.



The castle and the town have several large towers that house aviaries. The smaller ones within the town are constructed out of wood and are shorter than the castle's walls. The aviaries within the castle are built out of stone and even tower over the castle's walls. These were commissioned by King Lazar of House Breakwater after his troops cleared the island of any poachers.


At the southern end of the castle there is a small town known as Highwater that follows the cliffside until it drops down towards the beach. Many of the town's residents are fishermen that often sell part of their catch to the castle. Most of the remaining villagers work in the Aviaries or are hired by the castle to walk the island in search of poachers. In recent years the town has doubled in size from not only refugees but also those who are looking for a quiet life away from the chaos of the world.


The Age of Gods

Legend tells that during the Age of Gods, Awis Island was once part of Ondowr and was the home of Ava, the Embodiment of Grace. Here is where she created the Paraves, great creatures of avian origins. During the Devastation, it's believed that the island was torn from the land and drifted out into the Shallows. It's said that still to this day the goddess walks the island caring for any injured birds she comes across.


Castle Highwater sits on a cliffside on the eastern end of Awis Island. The island itself is situated at the southern end of the Shallows. It is the largest island within the area. Scholars often debate whether the island is part of Ondowr or Wer Isles. Many argue that due to its location in the Shallows, Awis Island is part of Ondowr. This is due to the belief that the islands of the Shallows broke apart from Ondowr during the Devastation. While many of the islands in the Shallows have similar topography, there are others who argue that Awis Island is more closely related to the Forests of Tasik on the continent of Wer Isles.

Natural Resources

Surrounding Castle Highwater are several woodlands with larger forests further off in the distance. The town grows several crops including wheat, barley & vegetables. A resource that is left untouched are the birds of the island. Any chickens within the castle or town came from other areas and have been bred on the island. Many poachers come to the island to hunt the birds and their eggs as their size differs to those in other areas. The lack of hunting the wild birds has allowed them to grow in size closer to their first born ancestors. The residents of the island have solely relied on hunting deer, smaller game & fishing.
Founding Date
769 BEM
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by piotrdura


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