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Fannar, Blood of Alexandersson

Known to many as the Wanderer, Fannar has traveled much of the world and is well known for his stories that he has collected over the years. Born the second son of Alrus, he spent much of his childhood listening to stories about his family's wrongful fall from grace. Many years earlier his grandfather, Larus, was stripped of his title as Jarl of the Northern Territories. Since then his family has lived a moderately comfortable life in the town of Fellsbaer. Due to their former connections they have been able to make a living in the trade and transport of raw materials from the local mines. This would often lead to Fanner being sent to the mines to deliver messages between his father and the miners. During these outings he would often explore the mine. The following years his fathers drinking and complaining about the family's standing would worsen. Under the advice of his mother, on the night of his 16th name day, Fanner would leave home to explore the world. He would only see his mother before leaving and left a letter for his grandfather.

The Annals of Fannar

Over the years Fanner would travel much of the world and found great joy in collecting stories from the different people he met. In his early years he would send his mother letters telling her of his time working on many fishing ships. As the years went on he would spend many nights in different taverns telling stories and singing songs of the world to pay his tab. His story telling skills would become known in many ports. Eventually he would begin to write these stories down in a book that was said to weigh as much as Fanner himself. Over time his travels would eventually come to an end. One day a traveler came across a small cottage deep in the forests on Caras Island. Inside they found a book filled with many stories and a note beside it.
“All I ask of whoever finds this, Let it be by this journal or your words. Let my mother know I died in peace”
Annals of Fannar
Generic article | Jul 25, 2024

Cover image: by piotrdura


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