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Hollan (Du-Ish)

The Hollan are native in the south west of Nog Hhreud, over half of the population lives at the water's edge while the rest made their home in the vast forests of the area. Because of the large stretches of coastline, rivers and lakes; the Hollan are expert fisherman and sailors. The Duish were some of the first to establish trade companies and it has become an ingrained part of their culture. In centuries passed they were strong believers and worshipers of the Goddess of the Sea's. During the rise of The Order, many Hollan abandoned their faith for several reasons. Some saw the change of power to be a powerful financial motivator. While some were fearful that they would face the same fate as many of the Elvin races.


Shared customary codes and values

Offerings Of Safe Passage

In years passed, ceremonies involving a sacrifice were held to appease the Goddess of the Sea's in exchange for calm and safe seas during a journey. Under the rule of The Order, totems have become a common practice among sailors and merchants. Sailors will either keep a totem on their person or the crew will pull together to get a larger one for the bow of the ship.

Common Etiquette rules

Gifts & Offerings

The Hollan believe that a gift of any kind is required when meeting new people or as an act of good faith when entering into business. For simpler events like meeting new people or welcoming newcomers, an offering of food or flowers is polite. When entering business arrangements, a gift of jewelry to the partner or the partners spouse is in good faith.

Art & Architecture

Duish architecture is primarily wood framed with foundations made out of stone. Duish buildings rarely use different construction methods even for wealthier families. The homes are built with white clay roofing tiles. The roofing tiles are originally brown but are mixed with crushed barnacles from the bottoms of ships. When crushed the barnacles make up a white paste that is mixed with the clay and form the white tiles.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Many families within the Duish culture believe that after children are born they should be bathed in the waters near the family's ancestral home. Over the centuries the tradition has changed to where the child is bathed in the waters nearby. This is meant to connect them to the waters that will offer them food and prosperity in their lifetime.


Gender Ideals

Through trade Hollan men and women are viewed as equals. It isn't until you look outside of the world of business do you see the differences between the two. Families not working for trading companies keep traditional homes with the men working and women caring for the home and children.

Courtship Ideals

The Hollan view marriage varies between regions. Many view is similar to the Frons while others value love within a marriage more than raising ones financial or political status. The Hollan are one of the few races of man that do not look down upon marriages between other races.

Hollan Complexion:

Although the Hollan and Frons share geographic similarities, the Hollan are known for their golden blonde hair and sea blue eyes. Their complexion is similar to the Frons but have a more pale rose complexion.

Naming Traditions

Feminine Naming:

Anke, Claudia, Gisela, Henriette, Etc.

Masculine Naming:

Benjamin, Cornelius, Ferdinand, Herbert, Etc.

Family Names:

Achthoven, Arntz, Coeman, De Vos, Kuiper, Van Andal, Etc.

Estimated Hollan Population:

~4.4 Million

The Hollan is one of the most widespread ethnicity throughout Pangeria. Their founding of several trading companies before the rise of the Cila Trading Company took them to the far reaches of the world. When the Company was founded, their influence throughout the world sky rocketed. Now almost every major city in the world is home to the Hollan.

Gods & Deities

New Gods

The younger generations are fervent followers of the New Gods. Many of the Hollan in the north are followers of Guiscard the Holy, who's strength is a symbol is power for the nations of man. A majority of the younger populations are followers of Matthias the Shield of Man. Who see the power of the New Gods as a shield against the horrors of the Old Gods.

Mari, Goddess of the Sea's

Before the rise of the New Gods, the Hollan were strong followers of Mari. Who allowed them to safely sail the seas in exchange for a tribute. With the rise of the New Gods, many of the young have flocked to them as they believe that man should continue to rise up and rule over the other races of Pangeria.

Cover image: by piotrdura


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