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The Silent Madness

“Its symptoms are not one of the body but of the mind. Those who suffer from it say that the voices come to them not only when they are alone but even when they are among company.”
The silent madness is a rare disease that eats away at one's mind until they are a husk of their former selves. This disease has no known visible symptoms and can present itself at any stage in life. It is unknown what causes the diesase and there are very few scholars who have conducted research on the topic. Children who have suffered from this disease have been known to be unable to control themselves and often fall into a rage until their loved ones must deal with them. In adults it is most common for those affected to fall into bloodlust that forces them to kill any around them. For those who are not consumed by the bloodlust, they enter into a catatonic state and often never speak again. In most nations the cure to the disease is death. 
“Some say the silent madness is the final curse put upon the mortal races by the god’s of darkness. A curse that will forbid us from ever living in peace.”

Afflicted Figures

King Lovel of the Kingdom of Frontonce
King Lovel was said to have suffered from the disease near the end of his life. Over time his court began to notice he was acting paranoid. This came to a head when he ordered his royal guard to seize his court and his family. He would then publicly execute them without presenting any reason as to why. In the following year he would almost bankrupt the kingdom, hiring assassins to kill anyone who came near him. Several of his dukes would eventually start a civil war that began with his own assassination.  
King Lazar of House Breakwater
King Lazar was said to have suffered from the silent madness. Unlike many others, his symptoms remained unnoticed for many years due to his overall calm demeanor. Eventually his condition was made public after he ordered 5,000 bannermen to clear the island of Caras.

Cover image: by piotrdura


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