Abandoned stone circle

A small circle of stones nested atop a wooded hill. The trees hang with moss and lichens of vibrant greens and oranges hanging like great curtains fromĀ  the branches. The stones arranged in purposeful way, all stacked like cairns. Even, like something cut through the backs of them to be even with the inside of a sphere. The stones used to be made of a polished river rock, but now lie dappled and lichen covered. In the middle of the circle lies a small perfect blue stone. As if someone plucked a piece of the sky and made it solid. It sits nested between two small birch trees surrounded by grass. Nothing clings to the blue stone, nothing grows on or under it. If one watches closely though, you can watch as there is always a sun beam on the stone at all hours of the day. The dusk approaches, and the crickets sing, the stone still remains as bright as the cloudless skies.


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