Ayn'shel Cove

"One should sit, rest. Let the beauty of dawn's early light crest over the calm waters. Let the salty air breeze passed and tousle your hair, lean your head back and listen to the waves break over the surf. The stars themselves dance is their own pantomime of joy and jubilations. The welcoming sirens call of the bottle, spiced and aromatic, fret not for you are safe here. A child embraced by the arms of the cove."


The cove is carved out of the cliffsides that ring the windward side of the hills that border the Ilori Sea. Eroded away over eons as the harsh surf has battered away at the sandstone. Long enough for the small lake that sits a top the hill to begin leaking. Longer still for the leak to metamorphos into a small waterfall to grace the pothole carved away by the strong current.
The cove forming as these large boulders swirled through the spiral shaped opening, the waterfall making the high sheltered bay brackish. Should one choose to sit here and wonder, they'd have an unobstructed view of the sunrise as it travels through the Ithry Strait all the way to the Eastern Seas.
Being far enough away from the City of Huron, the Song of Bhal a distant memory well past the horizon. Though one can see the speck of light on the storm blown clouds should the air be clear enough. The Cove offers a peerless locale to witness the stars and constellations in all their beauty, the multicolored nebulas slowly swirling through them like smoke through the tree.


The Great Tree
Entire mainland Continent
Should one choose the somewhat suicial route of trying to reach the cove by ship, one may wonder how the name Cowards cove came to be. For no coward would have the stones to come so close to the jagged granite rocks the lurk beneath the surface of the waters. Though one could say a coward would never try, to see the cove is fools errand to be sure.
The other option is to travel through the Valley of Mists, in the vain hope that the Mistwalkers would allow the pilgrim to pass through and find their way here. Either route is dangerous, either route has it's likelihood of becoming an early grave.
However, should one make their way through the guantlet of challenges, they would be welcomed by one of the most protected harbors the world has ever known. Beyond it's natural beauty, it dazzeling skyline, it rare and interesting species to call it's tidal pools home, one can find a sense of peace profound. Almost a religious experience to sit on the soft sand, to be swaddled in nature's embrace.
Alternative Name(s)
Cowards Cove, Morning light
Location under


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Aug 15, 2024 03:01 by Lady Wynter

I can definitely picture this cave and the view. I enjoy that both routes are dangerous. And I'm interested in exploring more, especially the Mistwalkers. Though I'm wondering if there are any species that call the place home?

Bringing the Light
Aug 17, 2024 15:02

I'm so happy you like it! In my mind the cover is a stopping off point for a few migratory species. I haven't talked about them a lot, though they are referenced in https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-great-tree-thereasonwhy/a/easifatan-almatariq-location.   I also like the idea of a species I made https://www.worldanvil.com/w/the-great-tree-thereasonwhy/a/shimmer-scale-pseudo-dragon-species. Living in the general area.

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...