In the Planes of the Citadel

Where the Great Mother Breathes

O'hare the wind breeze through branchless trees. O'hare, bound through forest with no trees. Eyes to see creation of distant lights, echoed off cool waters. Ears twitch at voices but O'hare no sound.
Small and kind, yet seen the one you calls you such. Wrapped in fire, a soft fur to be blessed by the sun. Your body to become one with the the world around such. Yet hear The Great Mother breathe. Though seen, a trick. A sign, vines flicking behind those trees.
Take only what you need from it, feel that feeling and bound through that treeless forest once more. For no cog would enjoy just fluid creation. To be guided through dark wood, a strong hand led by gentle giants. Heads far above the clouds you witness, how do they see us such down here?
A whisper through the wood, a pleasant breeze to cool your warming fur. O'hare the wond through the branches. Branch in hand not to punish, but to guide. A hand outstretched, a vine to wrap your insecurity and fear away. A soft tuft at the end, like a brush to paint the world with.
Fear not small child, for I am your Mother. I am Mother to all. No no no, Sweet Child. If you want to run, I will always be here waiting for you. A home to return, a warm hearth and open ears. I will sing to you this world, a lullaby for which for you to grow.
forest full of trees, green and vibrant. O'hare bound through shaded canopy. My sweet child, your tail is long, careful to bind not to the world. Show me what I have taught you and sing to me. Show me that my love is strong, through dead woods and mossy curtains. Sweet Child, listen to me breathe through the world.
That song, that voice, is your voice and this song. Soft tail to wrap around the Children, not to suffocate but to embrace in these dark wood. A hangmans branch is naught, for she is with you. Listen not to those Shadows that whisper through the trees. Those are not your voices, those are not your songs, stay with me.
Stay with your Mother, here is safe. Here is warm, here is light. Our guiding hands to lead you through a darkness we know not. Stay with your Mother, listen to her voice, listen to our voices.
Remember your Mother, for the darkness has taken her.


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Oct 5, 2024 17:49 by Alan Byers

A lovely bit of prose, with a slight dark side. Well done!