Kindling and Rekindling

She came gliding low over the treetops, bushing her fingertips along the soft needles of the green spires of pine. Relishing the feeling, snaking its way along her fingers up into her hands, having seen the Humans of the big city of the South West of the Valley do something similar in the tall grassy plains. The zephyrs causing waves over their vast golden seas of grass, always brushing their hands against their fronds.
She was beginning to see why they did that, it felt nostalgic. Like a long journey home, a moment of solidarity. The soft amber glow of the shrine lights inside the village making themselves known as she neared the clearing where the Family's homes were. Pitching her wings upward, she slowed while gaining altitude, a rising in her chest as the changing forces on her body reacted.
She was late, and she knew it. But, she had gone to the The Aquaregia at Aafje's suggestion, surely she wouldn't be mad. It was time for the Kindling for one of the couples in the Clan. A not quite marriage, not quite promising of each other, but an understanding. A hope for the future. Those two had been smitten with each other for months now, and Mother had had enough of their dancing around the bush about it.
It was a discussion between them and The Ascendant Butterfly, the Embers and Mother Aafje only assisted in the process. A Clan wide affair that demanded their full attention, she could see the bright blue fire at the Eternal Flame's Shrine now. "Damn it, she is going to yell at me. They've started." Neaves whispered to no one in particular, the gentle whoosh of air her only audience.
Angling herself toward where she knew Mother and the others would be, nearly tagging herself on another one of the treetops. Mother had cleared the Mists in the village, she broke through the thin cloudline leaving her brilliantly glowing wings visible to everyone. She would really get the tirade now, coming into the Ceremony like a comet. Distracting everyone from what should have been their sole focus.
Neaves stumbled the landing, coming in just a bit too hot as she adjusted the angle of her wings. Trying her damnedest to dampen the fire in them, make herself less obnoxious, less like a rain on a wedding day. The couple standing across from her and the Embers stared at her with a look not quite of annoyance, but one that just screamed "Why'd you even bother if you were going to be late?"
Neaves had taken her place behind Aafje as she spoke her sermon to them, Pyria and Erlin glancing over at her. A curious side eye from Pyria, a bored question on Erlin's, neither look too reassuring at what Mother would have in store for her. She wasn't looking forward to that disappointed face, the look of condemnation. Then again, she was used to it from the Clan, she was an Ember after all, a broken connection to the goddess.
Ryhs didn't even look up as he heard her walk up beside him. His pointed ear twitched at the noise, though he kept his head bowed to the couple like all of them were supposed to be doing. Defiant bunch they were, then again, their role in the ceremony wasn't here yet. That was later.
"Are you alright, Neaves." Ryhs asked in a barely audible voice, his rough sandy voice hard to hear even at full volume. "You left in hurry, Mother told us not to worry."
She didn't know how to react to that, Ryhs had never really seemed to care about anything else besides his duty as the Gate Guardian. Never really even spoke to anyone besides the Hierophant and Mother, both the others looked over, mildly surprised. "I'm... fine, just tired, a bit of an experience I've had." She finally said, matching his volume, not wanting to disturb the ceremony.
Ryhs, man of few words, nodded his head and returned his attention back to the Shrine. Mother's words caught our attention, giving us the cue for our part. "And let us, Azu our Ascendant Incandescence, guide the children you left to our care. So that we may be the ones, so that our hands may Kindle new flames in life. To guide us forward and forever on."
They stepped in unison taking a corner of the Shrine, they spread their wings wide, pouring heat into them. Ryhs only trying to keep up with his crippled wing, his power thoroughly broken. Raising their hands to the Shrine they chanted the responses back to the couple. The Embers acting as the voice of the goddess in the ceremony.
"So you wish to begin anew?" The four voices of the Embers overlapping in long practiced synchronicity.
"We do, a flame to light the world." They answered, clasping each other's hands in a cross pattern.
"Torches on distant horizons, till day break comes. A guiding light to be on your own horizons, to each other, the torches to be. Are you sure you wish to be the light of the lives of your choosing?" Not a single verse skipped, all having been memorized long ago.
"We do, Ascendant Mother!" They grinned happily, finally feeling the heat of their wings. The crowd joined in on the ceremony now, mimicking the Embers outstretched wings. Letting loose their fire, glimmering iridescent wings of the clan catching the reflection of light from the Eternal Flame now having grown brighter ten fold.
The collective heat from the Clan causing a thermal to rise, the mist swirling up and away high into the sky. The bright sunlight fell directly on the couple, gracing them with Azu's influence. As the small thunder head formed from the rising thermal, the Hierophant stepped forward to continue the Ceremony.
The Embers stepping back in line behind Mother Aafje. Neaves catching the look on her face, she was expecting annoyance, disapproval, maybe even anger. What she wasn't expecting was Aafje to have a smile, one that wrinkled her nose the way she did when she laughed. All that worrying, for nothing.
The High priestess was not angry with her daughter, but looked genuinely pleased. She quietly added as the Chief belted out his part of the Ceremony. "Someone looks much brighter."
"It was a bit of a shock, I wasn't expecting to see The Mother there." Neaves answered sheepishly.
The others looked over to them, even Ryhs had opened his eyes in wonder at the statement. Aafje hushed them with a small movement of the hand, pointing back to the couple next to the shrine. "So you took the path of solitude then. Fitting, did you have your question answered?" Aafje was trying to keep her face level, but that smile still peeked through like a bit of blue sky on a cloudy day.
Neaves averted her gaze, her voice quivering as she forced the words out, fearing the consequences that may follow. Not in front of the others at least, they really didn't need to know of her feelings about the clan. She jumped slightly when Aafje grabbed her hand and held it, waiting. "I'm sorry, I just. I don't feel. I."
Aafje gripped her hand tighter, speaking softly out of the side of her mouth. "I am proud of you, Neaves. Just like all the Embers, you are my kids. You didn't want to talk to me after our... disagreement. So I figured you needed some time away from the Valley. I hope you enjoyed the Temple."
She couldn’t look over, a shame coloring her mind and words as she spoke, a faint heat hitting her cheeks. "I never asked to be an Ember. I never asked to be part of The Shrine Guard. I never chose anything for my own life."
The silence in the small group was palpable, light a stone on one’s chest. The Voice of the Chief their only backdrop to an incredibly awkward stillness. Long enough for Neaves to find the courage to face her adoptive Mother's Ire, at least to her that's what it felt like. Aafje was smiling, not looking at her, her cheeks wet from the tears running down them. Pyria open mouthed, staring at her, Erlin's eyes wide focused solely on Neaves, Ryhs had placed a comforting hand on Aafje's shoulder.
An even longer moment before their Mother spoke, a broken gasp. "And I am proud of the woman you have grown into. By the Grace of Syn you have become powerful, beautiful, whip smart. I did what I could, I did what was allowed to me, I did my best to raise you all. I know you didn't get to choose this life, I know you were shoved into the roles you have. Did you want to stay with us? Do you really resent me for the life I've tried to make better for you all?"
"Mother, that's not what I. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." Neaves said, trying to pull her hand away. But, breaking all tradition for the Kindling ceremony, she pulled Neaves into a tight hug. Pouring an unfathomable amount of power into her, causing her wings to glow like a second sun.
"I have always told you kids, you can tell me anything you want. I knew the clan would never accept you, your wing being torn during your Light Ceremony. I never felt it was right for the Family to do so, so I've always tried my best for you kids. Gave you everything I had the power and authority to do so. If you want something different, please Neaves. Tell me." She whispered into her ear, knowing full well most of the clan was watching as Neaves tried to quell the power in her wings.   "Torches on distant horizons, till daybreak comes. A guiding light to be on your own horizons, to each other the torches to be. Are you sure you wish to be the light of the lives of your choosing? You know Darling, this isn't a prayer for love. This isn't a prayer for a couple, we just use it like one. It's a choice, a plea to the Ascendant Butterfly to allow us a brighter tomorrow. To find our own torches on distant horizons."
Something clicked in Neaves mind. Like an idiot finally realizing the obvious, she wrapped her arms around her Mother. A choice, Aafje had never told them to do anything, she asked. This Ceremony was one of choice, not love. To choose the path one walks, to follow what the individual wanted. "I love you Mom."
The Father, the Hierophant, looked at the scene and spoke to the couple for a brief moment. Allowing all but the Embers and the Priestess hear. "She is right, this ceremony is a choice. A choice to choose a path one should walk. So please, choose to embrace our Embers as one of the Clan. For they are, abandoned by the light of Azu, raised by our dear Mother. You may not see it, but our Embers feel the distance between us and them. Choose to welcome them, even if you think you have done so, do it again."


The Ceremony itself is more of a conversation between multiple parties. Usually the precursor to a marriage of two people of the Clan, the High priestess will have the couple stand before the Shrine of the Eternal Flame and stake their claim for a brighter tomorrow.   The Priestess will read a sermon initiating the vows the couple will take. Speaking of how the Azu the Beautiful will give them the opportunity to blaze a path forward, as she had for the Clan in the Dawn of Truths. Where she had carved out a section of the world for the Mistwalkers to call home.   The Priestess will then have her Embers act as Azu before the Shrine asking the Couple to affirm their hopes for the future. A proverbial light on the horizon to follow. To not be afraid of the darkness that lurks in the unknown future, for they will be the beacons of light for each other to follow.   Once the Couple has answered the Embers, the Priestess will have the Hierophant (Chief) to explain the trials and difficulties of such an endeavor. Should the couple not choose to take the path they should speak now. This Ceremony is of choice and willingness to make a commitment. One could think of this as an engagement, though it is not strictly used for such.   During the Hierophant’s sermon the clan will ignite their wings and rip the mists away from the skies to allow the couple to see the endless clear skies before them. Symbolic in the limitless opportunity the Goddess Provides.   The Kindling is used for this type of purpose, though the rekindling is used to remind anyone that Azu offers choice. Choice in anyone's path, for anyone to choose whatever path one wants.
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