Map making challenge!

Well, I have been needing to fix the map for a while. I didn't like how it had very little transition between areas. I also needed to add more things as I made more things, so this new map reflects that, as well as many additional assests that are not finished so I can make new things for them. Give the map the amount of time it needs and the world will grow with it as far as I'm concerned. A lot of unnamed towns, / settlemeents. A lot more unused land forms and areas that I have cooking in the back ground. This was a very long process, but I think I can now use the map the way I meant it to be.   I also just figured out how to embed maps in articles, so many of the landmarks and settlements are going to get this updated in their articles, so that's something! I've also been watching a lot of world building youtube stuff so I'm hoping some of the lessons I learned there are going to show through.  

Legacy Version:

The Great Tree Base Map Image

New MAP!

The Great Tree
Entire mainland Continent


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