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Author's Notes

I'll admit most of the short story was written while listening to one song on repeat. Whole heartly recommend listening to music while writing!  

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Sep 3, 2024 01:50 by Marjorie Ariel

As someone from a family that has dealt with additction for several generations, I appreciate the wisom and kindness the Sybil showed to the narrator. Addiction already brings with it enough shame, that shaming the person is of little help. But they also have to be willing to be open about their problems, which can be very difficult. I hope the narrator is able to reach a better place with their wife and family. <3

Sep 4, 2024 03:00

Ah I had some advice given to me a long while back about writing characters. Take a piece of yourself and give it a name, so I guess the narrator is a little bit of me.   I wanted to give the Sybil a feeling of welcoming and understanding, I wanted her to be the first main point of contact for any reader to be introduced into the Sorority and what they ultimately stand for. She has seen the debauchery of the world and the alluring grasp that world has on people. She understands that one need not make those who know they need help, feel bad about needing help. As you said, addiction is a powerful thing, and what most people overlook that the Sybil knows is this; addiction is a disease. Not a choice, sure it might start out that way, but people are fallible. And thus when they walked a path they shouldn't have for too long, everyone needs help with whatever guiding hand is necessary.   As for the Narrator, in my mind, I think he was able to fix the damage, though he still struggles. He just has a much better support that he never had before.

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Sep 8, 2024 05:09 by Marjorie Ariel

I love that about making those who know they need help not feel bad for asking.

Sep 14, 2024 02:45

I think more people need to understand that sentiment

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...