Re:Re:Misuse of Healing magic

Mr. President, I am not at liberty to give you the individuals identity. This could be a diplomatic nightmare. We were able to track down the drop out to the poorest district in Huron. Most of the case subjects have a tie there, and all sought out this "Miracle Doctor" residing in this district. We found a laboratory and a treatment office in a hidden nook outside the market center on the south side. Alembics, chemical distillations, electrolysis chambers, and osmosis diffusers were confiscated from the sight, and several books on advanced healing magics available only from the collage.
  I mention this last point, because these texts should never have been given to the individual. They require too much power, with too little understanding. I grow frustrated at this game of cat and mouse. There have been no more cases showing up in the city however. So the individual has stopped treating people for now. Though with all this alchemical equipment, I fear they may have only switched up what they are treating people with now.
  We do have a few more leads to follow up on, I hope to report that the individual has been apprehended soon, and that I can hand her off to you to take care of the politics involved.
  With all due Regards, Headmaster of the Collage of Healing Magic and Surgery., Wilhem Defrancis


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