Re:Re:Re:Re Misuse of Healing Magic

Mr. President. To answer your question as vaguely as possible, the Individual is part of the Unseen Court. We did not know she was a Fae, until she dropped out. We didn't think it was important, we see now that we were wrong. She has learned much, apparently after dropping out she spent quite a bit of time learning from local alchemists. How to create cell cultures was a simple step after learning this.
  It was discussed with her at the Collage that vaccines were not studied until after students had earned years of merit, credentials, and a keen understanding of biological transmission. She had a passion and tried to pursue it. We believe this is why she dropped out. As you can see, this is why we completely disbar young students from pursuing dangerous studies like epidemiology.
  We know where she is, and are in the middle of an operation of retrieving her as I write this. To answer your question as to the symptoms and the hows and whys. The subject falls under a severe fever, then progresses toward unconsciousness. After approximately, 72 hours, the subject awakens in a deranged mental state. Quite frequently lashing out at anyone nearby, this is the most important aspect. If they subject touches anyone, that person they touched is now infected. To put your mind at ease though, the mental incoherence subsides after a few weeks, the fever returns, and the subject returns back to normal. The unilateral disaster aspect however, the recovered subject is not immune to become re-infected.
  As to the How, we learned that she had taken a strain of the normal plague and attempted to distill it and infuse it with her own brand of healing magic. Little did she know however, that she never siphoned the magic away from her cultures, and they mutated, and kept mutating. Her initial tests on live subjects did in fact cure the plague. But more in the way that a fire burns away a rats nest, and the house it was in. The "cured" sent more people to her to also be "cured" and thus began this new plague. The new variant, simply kills the existing plague and replaces it.
  We need her, alive. We need to see how she uses her defective magic to reverse the mutagen in the plague. We believe once we have that information, all we will need to do, it apply that magic to the subjects and it will just be a normal bacterial infection. Fever, and nothing else.
  With all due Regards, Headmaster of the Collage of Healing Magic and Surgery., Wilhem Defrancis


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